Can't get time to change?

I am on a Mac laptop.

We are on Central time and all was ok until the change.
The Rolex clock changed, but when reading posts, the time is still Central Daylight time for me.
I went to profile and double checked and clicked the right time and the bottom tab to be sure all went thru, but still no go on the automatic tab.
Then tried on the other tabs, but nothing was changing.

Finally put it on Mountain time and now I am on the correct time.
That did change my posts to my actual time, but my real time is Central, not Mountain time?

Hope all that is clear?

Under the box where you select the time zone is one for DST correction… make sure that’s set to “Automatically detect DST settings” (then you’ll probably need to change your time zone back to the right one)

Hmmm maybe not because mine appears to still be an hour off too :lol:

Already tried that and that is where I had it set for a while now anyway.
It doesn’t seem to be working for me on any of those settings.

That is when I finally went to Mountain time and that is my current time in Central time.

Just wondered if others also had that problem.

IIRC, this is a known issue since the board change over.

Try your actual timezone with DST correction always off. Those are my settings and the time is correct.

I tried that one also, tried all of them and nothing changed?

Will try again.

How strange, tried that, went to a blank page, stayed on that for a long time, couple minutes or three, now it is working.

Guess that when the time changes back we may have to jump thru other hoops to get the right new time with the SDT correction?

Doesn’t matter, being on Mountain time settings to be on our correct Central time ones was fine, but now it is the same on the proper settings.

Thank you!

Are you saving changes at the bottom before clicking away? I just switched mine to central and dst always off and it updated to be correct for that timezone. Central and auto detect dst updates to an hour ahead.

Yes, saving after any changes.

It did work this morning, had not been working before thru those tabs.

Weird. I can’t get that behavior to happen. Have you tried logging out and logging back in?

I tried it again and it is still doing it.
On automatic detect changes, mine reverts to Eastern, click to no correction, now on Central, as I have it set in the menu above.

Oh, well, maybe that is the way is supposed to work, so that is ok.
Before it was not changing at all, now it is to the correct time.

I don’t understand what you mean on “reverting”? Your settings are changing without you doing anything? :confused:

From where I sit, auto detect DST doesn’t work (and iirc, hasn’t ever.) Select auto detect never and your actual timezone, and you should be good until we go back on DST next spring.


Right, that was and still is not working.

The way you mentioned, that off tab, is working fine.
