I keep getting an error message when I log in on my desktop that I can’t post until I complete my profile. It tells me to add a name which I did, but still get the message. I can’t like, reply or post new topics.
What is the actual text of the error message?
Have you been able to post successfully in the past?
Read this post as it might be what you are experiencing…
It just started. It’s exactly the problem that the thread you linked to is having. I use chrome on desktop. I tried clearing my cookies and that didn’t work. @Moderator 1 can you help out? I have no problems on my phone or iPad
Make sure Google Chrome is up to date. Go to the … menu on your search bar and select Help, then About Google Chrome. This will get Chrome to check to see if you have the latest version. Once it updates, close Chrome and relaunch it.
If the Chrome update suggested doesn’t help, let me know, and I’ll try the unlinking account trick to see if that helps. I don’t remember if that resolved the OP’s problem on the other thread.