Can't send a private message

When I tried to send a PM, I got the following message:

“You have reached your stored private message quota of 200 topics. You have 200 topics saved combined in your private message folders. Please delete some of your existing topics.”

And then deleted ALL my messages, sent and receive and I have none stored now and still get this message and can’t send.

@Moderator 1

Best to tag the moderator if you are looking for moderator assistance.

You have to empty the trash, too. Go check there :slight_smile:

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@ToN Farm, I checked your PM statistics and it looks like you still have messages in all three folders (sent, inbox and trash). We can’t read your actual messages, but we can see how many there are!

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Thank you Simkie, deleting the Trash Folder work. Mod1, that’s weird, because at the time I post for help, I showed In/Sent empty. Anyway, thanks to both of you.

Weird. Your mailboxes are still all showing as having contents. Maybe that data only refreshes occasionally…not sure. Regardless, I’m glad you were able to get it sorted with Simkie’s help!