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Cantle moving

Got new horse, saddle appears to fit when she is tied. Can’t feel bridging, get about 4 fingers under the pommel. Sweat patten is even, no dry spots.

BUT when longe her the cantle pops up & down. I am assuming that is not normal, although I see it a lot on other horses as well.

Where else do I need to look for a problem?

I think that when you are sitting in the saddle that will no longer happen.

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It does not, I just want to make sure it is not indicative of an issue that I should be looking for…

Is there a local saddle repair shop around to ask this question? Seems to me the saddle should stay flat on horse’s back when lunging. Just can’t remember what the back end rising indicates.

This is PRESUMING horse is on a long lunge line, in a round pen making BIG 60ft circles! If horse is on a short line, using normal 25ft lunge line with you standing still in the middle, holding 4-5 feet of line, horse body may be so bent that saddle can’t stay down. Curved spine does not allow saddle enough back length to actually stay under the saddle.

Ridden, the saddle stays down on the back because of your weight, probably less spinal bending going on than when lunging small circles.

In an English saddle it’s a sign of very poor fit, usually too tight in the shoulders.

Pictures would help.

How is your saddle rigged?

How thick of a pad are you using? A too thick pad can make a saddle that fits bounce in back.
Also the horse may be hunching their back a bit during lunging?

No rocking or sliding side to side when on with no pad and ungirthed?

If the horse is riding well in it and isn’t displaying signs of soreness, discomfort or irritability ( ear pinning/ grittiness etc ) or any odd movement , then I would say it fits good enough.

Can you share pictures?

Pictures or video would be helpful.

Ideally, the saddle should NOT be popping up and down at the cantle. Best guess is that it’s too wide in front … but being too narrow can make it “pop” too.

It really depends how much it’s doing it. If your horse is moving long and low, you might still get a small bit if they’ve really got their back rounded. If they are busting around with a hollow back and it’s popping up and down, then there is usually a problem.