Capstar For Fleas

Has anyone heard of problems with Capstar flea treatment? This was recommended to me for both dogs and the cat.

I was wondering if there was any ‘special’ unmentioned details affecting breeds or mixes of certain breeds as there are with Ivermectin and dogs with Collie blood in them?

Our fleas have gone crazy! My usual solutions are not getting the fleas gone, so we are getting a bit desperate. I am moving things outside with treatment of the yard dirt tomorrow. Dogs usually spend a lot of time outside in the fenced yard, but seem less itchy now when kept inside the house more.

House seems pretty good yet the animals keep being reinfested despite several flea shampoo baths each, premises spray, weekly bombing the house. No rugs out or blankets to lay on that are not washed every other day to prevent any larve or eggs hatching. Vinyl floors, only leather or wood furniture near the pets which do not have acess to bedrooms.

Dogs and cat are wearing flea collars with a type of spot-on repellent good for 30 days. I have not had flea issues in a long time, certainly not this bad then!

Thanks for any information on Capstar.

Flea collars typically dont work. I find revolution or advantage work ok for fleas but if you have an infestation capstar works best for adult fleas.

Capstar only works for 24 hours. Flea baths only work while they’re on the pet, and reduce the efficacy of topical treatments. Unless it’s a Seresto, flea collars are useless. You’d be better off with an oral like Comfortis (dogs and cats), Nexguard (dog only), or Bravecto (dog only) if you’re dealing with a severe infestation. Plus, what are you using for spray? We recommend Knockout as it has a growth regulator that works for 7 months.

I have 1 dog that has a reaction to capstar. She’s a cocker spaniel. Nothing that is too serious, but enough that I won’t give it to her anymore. She gets very lethargic, her temperature goes up, she pants like crazy and just seems anxious. It generally lasts for about 2-3 hours. My vet said it’s the only time that she has ever heard of a reaction, so I do think it’s pretty safe in general. We’ve never had a huge infestation of fleas, although we do get them pretty bad in early summer, but I’m able to get control of them using drops every 2 weeks and bombing the house several times. The Advantage that I get says that it’s safe to use more often than every month if you have a bad problem with them. You are just supposed to go back to monthly dosing once things are under control. I can’t remember off the top of my head how often they say it can be used safely, it’s either every week or every other week. Also make sure you are using a good brand. Frontline or the generic Frontline doesn’t work at all for me anymore. I use the Advantage for both dogs and cats.

we had a cat who we had to give Capstar. Everything else he reacted to. I like that it gets rid of them almost instantly.

What brand of products are you using now? Have you tried Comfortis?

I have not had any reactions with my pets or have seen any at work with Capstar. We give it if a patient comes in with fleas. I am a big anal retentive pain in the but and will often give one to my own dogs before I bring them home if they have been at work with me. I’m paranoid something will hitch a ride.

Yeah I haven’t seen any issues either. Obviously there’s always a chance of a random sensitivity ( like dsedler’s dog) but overall it’s one of the safest products out there.

Capstar only works for 24 hours. Flea baths only work while they’re on the pet, and reduce the efficacy of topical treatments. Unless it’s a Seresto, flea collars are useless. You’d be better off with an oral like Comfortis (dogs and cats), Nexguard (dog only), or Bravecto (dog only) if you’re dealing with a severe infestation. Plus, what are you using for spray? We recommend Knockout as it has a growth regulator that works for 7 months.[/QUOTE]

This exactly. We give all dogs and cats that board at our clinic or that stay with us for more than a few hours a capstar. We have not had any problems with it for any breeds. However, we generally recommend capstar for a 24hr knock out and to follow up with treating your home, yard, and using monthly flea prevention on all animals.

We use capstar as a 24hr knock out for fleas in the clinic.

As others have said knockout your home, and you need to treat all the animals in your home for at least four consecutive months. We generally recommend trifexis for dogs.