Capsular release of shoulder/screws out tomorrow!

Finally! Tuesday at 9 (right, I’m sure Mr. Surgeon will be running late…but he’s really good, so I’ll wait semi-patiently)(pun!) my 4 part humeral fracture and I go under the knife again. Screws coming out (I can feel/see them under the skin…eeesh!) and they’ll do a capsular release and arthroscopy to clean out scar tissue. Yippee!!

So…anyone have a capsular release? What can I expect? PT is already set up for daily visits for 2 weeks, then 3 a week. I want to ride again…but I know it will be 6 weeks before the holes in the bone from the vacated screws fill in.

Odds and endsFeldenkrais!

l Lots of moving your arm/ shoulder in all sorts of directions exercises picking up items/ weights with that arm, then, moving weight higher and higher until arm is reaching shoulder height, or going above it;; find a ffldenkrais practitioner; mine is also a licensed pt;); they can restore function with a minimum of pain!:yes:

I am 6 weeks out from a full capsular release. I will cross my fingers that yours goes like 99.9% of the population and not like mine. Seems that mine might be going sideways. again.

Lots of physio, lots of exercises to gain range. Can’t tell you anything else since mine is not normal and this was a second surgery to try to fix issues from the first surgery that I had not completely rehabbed before round 2 (posterior capsular plication for posterior instability). Sure hope we can get this straightened out as I am rather sick of it. Sure you are sick of yours as well. I figured out this morning on my way to physio that I have been rehabbing since the first surgery since January so 7 months now and the original injury was in Dec. '07.

I spend my day doing exercises and icing. 4-6 times per day starting the day after surgery. It is all consuming and I can fully see why I was told there would be no going to work until the end of August at the earliest.

It’s 8 AM tuesday and I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you!!!

YAY for no more screws!

Hope all goes well today!


take whatever pain med;) you need :)to get through the first days of mobilizing your arm again:cool:

Calvincrowe, hope you’re feeling well! I’ll be thinking of you - I go in for a capsular shift tomorrow. Crossing fingers that this does the trick!

Ouch. I am sore, sore, sore this AM. I had a vomitous attack last night, but felt much better after getting rid of what ailed me. Slept on the couch. The pain block is still there (is that weird? too long?), but fading super slowly. I took my vicodin like a good girl, and am due for another pill now. I used the CPM machine once already (7am is way too early to inflict pain on oneself!) and that is already boring. Must remind self to turn on TV or bring book to the chair it’s set up at.

They only removed the front screw, as the back screw was too grown over with bone. The one they took out needed to, as it was restricting my ROM. Dr. said he got full ROM in the operating room. Now I just have to keep it! PT at 9:30. Lucky Mr. CC gets to go sit through that with me.

I did go out to the barn this AM to see what damage Mr. CC did last night doing chores. I love my horses, they are saints. He left one stall door into the barn OPEN.:eek::eek: All night. Neither horse chose to leave the stall or paddock… God bless them. He remembers to water, feed, clean…but this is not the first time he’s left a door open. Ugh. Love him, but so hard not to check up on him, with good reason! He gets very defensive when I do check his work. Catch 22.


How are you feeling?

Sore. That is the overwhelming feeling right now. The shoulder joint itself is pain-free, so the release worked. The incisions are painful, and every bra I’ve tried rubs across them. The muscles in the back of my arm and shoulder are very sore–heck, they haven’t been extended all the way since January!! PT is a grind, and the CPM is like being on the rack, only more boring. My surgeon wants 2 1/2 hours a day! That is an incredibly long time, when I can only stand to do it in 15-20 minute stretches, as the muscles and incisions are so sore, even on 500mg of vicodin every 6 hours.

But, I’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, and I love my new PT. He was an NFL trainer/PT for 12 years, and totally gets the “you really are an athlete, so I’ll treat you like one”. He’s soft, compassionate and kind, but very tough and encouraging, too. Great guy!

I’ve been at PT so long, that Tuesday, I’m bringing in home made blueberry muffins for the PT assistant’s 22nd birthday. She’s adorable and a real munch-mouth, she’ll love the treat! Us “long timers” have a club…birthdays and special occasions are celebrated with baked goods…sigh…

Hey Calvin, just wanted to check in. Think to yourself that at least NOW you’re on the right track to heal properly and get back to riding. My rehab has gone so well I feel really lucky, especially when I hear about situations like yours. Aren’t we lucky though to have horse hubbies that at least try to be helpful??!! keep up the good(hard)work!

I remember how bad PT sucked. Here is to hoping the time passes asap.