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Car Fur vs. Cat Hair

This thread has been prompted by the juxtaposition of three things.

  1. My house needs to be vacuumed.

  2. I got a cat hair in my eye last night and, as is usual, the whole world stopped. I had to pull over and get it out, Right Now.

  3. Enjoying the luscious fur on my cat.

How do you all cope with the double edged sword that is cat fur/hair?

Getting a cat hair stuck under a contact lens is extremely painful. Extremely. I have a cleaning person who vacuums every two weeks (among other t hings). I pick up clumps of cat hair in between. Sometimes if it gets really gross I will haul out the vacuum.

I love to snorgle cat bellies. Even on the short haired versions their belly fur is luscious. The two longhairs I get shaved on the belly/armpits to keep the mats gone.

Two shorthairs - one gray, one tuxedo. Two long hairs - one gray, one white. I have totally messed this up re: wardrobe colors. I can’t wear anything that doesn’t show cat hair.

How do I cope? I shaved her. She’s short haired but my husband is allergic and this year he talked me into body clipping. I started with a trace clip and then moved on to a blanket clip and now we’re in full Lion mode. She doesn’t seem to mind at all. In fact she has stopped obsessively trying to pull fur out because if she has an itchy the tongue takes care of it easily. And now it doesn’t look like someone murdered a bunny on the couch each morning.

I live pretending that nothing in my house sheds…

I live pretending that nothing in my house sheds…[/QUOTE]

I have a Sphynx. Problem solved! :smiley:

Hardwood floors, several types of dusting heads for my floor mop, and have a small house. Oh, and being retired, I don’t worry about the cat hair on my jeans or t-shirt.


Every time I vacuum I marvel that there is still any hair attached to the cat, given the volume of it floating around the house.

Zyrtec, tape rollers, frequent face washing, vacuuming.

Between the Aussie, who sheds out an additional dog every 4 days, the Beagle, who produces her own proprietary brand of felt, and the 4 cats of varying coat length and shed volume… I vacuum. a lot. then I vacuum some more. then some more. and some more… ad infinitum.

I just recently bought one of those velvet-ish mitts that you can use to groom the kitties (and also apparently to remove fur from clothes). It works pretty well and is quite easy to clean- I think it’s better at grabbing the hair off of the short haired kitties than a brush would be.

I thought I had gotten lucky with my DSH kittens, who until this summer didn’t seem to shed too much. Little did I know I was just being lured in by their kitten coats, and they’ve had a full-blown shedding attack for the past few weeks!

Luckily they’re both the same color (black) so I can tailor my wardrobe accordingly.