Ideally you would taper off the dosage, so you don’t just cold turkey shut off the reduced production, which could result in a rebound of too much acid produced. So ideally you’d go with 3/4 a dose for a few days, then 1/2 dose a few days, then 1/4 dose a few days, then stop.
JB, she does not get grain because i have chosen instead to supplement. She gets rice bran for fat, but she also gets a full vitamin supplement, soaked beet pulp, MSM, flax seeds, electrolytes (she wasn’t drinking enough), pro bios, UGuard, strongid wormer (and a tube every 3 months), and BUTE-LESS pellets. I’ve heard too many negative reviews on grain to convince me to use it… I know it’s more expensive this way but as an OTTB she was on sweet feed most of her life and I am afraid of her colicing again.
There’s a whole spectrum of feeds from the crappiest, lowest quality, highest sugar sweet feeds (blech!!) to really high quality ingredients, low sugar feeds. I definitely don’t mind piecing together a program based around a quality v/m supplement (which one are you using?), but for some situations - like yours -that can complicate things in trying to figure out if something about the diet is contributing to these sort of issues.
Is there a particular reason you have her on a daily dewormer? They have such resistances issues now (or rather IT does, it’s just a single chemical, pyrantel tartrate) that they are increasingly useless, and using paste deworming every 3 months is a great deal of overkill even for a horse not on a DW. 80-90% of them anyway. Those 80-90% of horses are able to control almost everything on their own, and just need help with bots and tapeworms at least yearly, and usually 2x/year.
So IMHO you have a lot of complicated things going on that may actually be contributing to her issues.
I just want to note I know very little about grain… I chose to feed her this way because I did hear grain has some negative side effects, but I’d be willing to change if it meant keeping her healthy…
There are lots and lots of really excellent choices these days
What would be best for you largely depends on what you have access to. Where are you located? Certain things aren’t available everywhere, so there’s not much point in suggesting LMF if you’re in the NE, or Poulin if you’re in Florida
Triple Crown is available in a great many areas, and if that’s something you can get, it’s really hard to beat their Senior feed - yes, even if she’s not a senior
It’s 11.7% NSC, which is really quite low, and it’s nice high quality. If you have Southern States, you can get Legends Performance pelleted (not textured, much too high sugar) which is also a nice feed. There are many other good quality lower NSC feeds as well.