Carolina International

Such a saint of a mare. She was incredibly stoic and cooperative and doing well today. Incredibly professional job by all those involved.


Elisa just posted her rides on Youtube, Loved her ride on Sharp Decision, looked so easy and fun!


I noticed Fortuna wearing a shadow roll and was curious if it could have made the question more difficult to read.

Interesting observation. Was that fence facing the sun? Or in the shadows?

Hereā€™s a screen grab of their approach.

My gut reaction is that a shadow roll has no place on a XC course. Its purpose is to obscure the horseā€™s vision so that the horse will lower its head.


Interesting, especially with this type of question since there is a fence on the landing side, the horse might not have seen the log until the last second and thus hesitated? Is there footage of the fall?

I watched the fall as it happened. I think the horse was confused or hesitated (or underpowered) because she didnā€™t power through bouncing at the top of the bank over the log. Instead tried the do a stride on top and there wasnā€™t room so she stopped (it all happened very fast) and the momentum of stopping caused her to bounce back off the log and fall in the ditch bum first so she ended up with her head and neck and front legs still ā€œsitting upā€ but she was unable to get up from that position in the confines of the ditch.

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Footage is at 15:40 of part 2 of the 4* cross country on H&C. I told you I didnā€™t have much going on right now :laughing:

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Iā€™m very interested now if the shadow roll did play a part. Blinders are not allowed so why are shadow rolls?

LMAO more reason for me to subscribe already!

What I saw was she tried to add a stutter step before the bank, except she stepped into thin air because there was a ditch.

@Jealoushe Iā€™m going to make a temp password and PM it to you so you can use my login to check the actual footage out.

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Judging by this pic she misread the bankā€¦ I think there is definitely good reason to question that tack.

Thank you!!! Iā€™ll check my pms

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It was definitely not a good ride to the bank. A whoa and then a go and then a bad distance. Theyā€™d already had a few issues before this point in the course (jump 10), you could see that trouble was brewing early on. Unfortunately what happened at the bank is not that dissimilar with what happened earlier with his gray horse, but the gray at least made it safely up the bank in one piece before stopping at the log.

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Ok just got to view it. I was able to screen capture so I can share here if people think thatā€™s ok?

To me the horse clearly looks down into the ditch then, possibly because of the shadow roll, doesnā€™t look up again until momentum hits and by then she canā€™t get her legs out in front. Poor girl

I would be very interested in seeing your screen caps.


Amazing she is ok. glad sheā€™s ok.

She definitely misjudged the ditch and that was the result, I would not be surprised if the shadow roll played an effect there. Donā€™t think it would be an ideal item to have for cross country.


Well, not ever clearing the bank with the front end made for a lesser drop into the ditch but bound to have strained some soft tissue at least.

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I have a very good cross country mare. Super bold and very good footwork. I put a shadow roll on her to try and address some rideability issues in the SJ and carried it over for cross country. She cantered straight through an open ditch in a coffin, just never even looked at it. It did not occur to me at that point to consider the shadow roll as an issue, I just thought she was perhaps coming on too fast through the coffin. the next couple of events went super, but upon reflection there were no open ditches, just some slightly huge trakhaners. At the fourth event we went to, with a another open ditch, she again cantered right through it, after I had been super careful to set her up and make sure she was not carrying too much speed. At that point it dawned on me that the shadow roll could be causing the problem at the open ditch. I took it off and havenā€™t used it again.