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Carriage history collections?

I’ve run across someone in Philadelphia who’s bought a building that used to house a carriage builder, then was abandoned for a time. It’s not clear exactly how long it was a general carpentry shop or unused, but still seems to be somewhat intact. He’d be interested in showing it to someone who knows about such things before he cleans out the building. I was thinking Carriage Museum of America in Lexington, but maybe there’s something or someone closer to Philadelphia? I can ask him for more photos, of course, before sending anyone out. But it’s not completely implausible, I know of a carpentry shop and a roofing tool shop that made it to the current day almost totally intact.


There is (or was) a carriage musem at Morven Park in Leesburg VA.

A lot closer to Philly than Lexington.

Contact the Carriage Association of America based at the Kentucky Horse Park. They have a great reference library and “know the people” who would be in that area to ask questions of. Maybe they would even know the building and previous carriage building company that occupied the building!

Maybe we will be able to read a story about your friend and his buildings history in the Carriage Journal!! Thank him for his effort to learn more before tossing the contents, which are then lost forever.


There’s the Marvel Carriage Museum in Georgetown, DE. They might be an option


Engels Coach Shop in Montana would know as he has been working for years to preserve the history of coach/carriage building, has created an extensive video library of how to make repairs that match the original construction methods



Late to the party :roll_eyes:
Did anyone ever check out the building’s contents?
I know of a private collector not far from me with an impressive collection of carriages.
He operates it as an Invitation Only museum.
Everything (horsedrawn, autos & other antique miscellania) is beautifully restored.
If there’s anything he might be interested in, I could pass along the info.