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Cart riding cat

This was one of my sweet young she cats yesterday finally allowing a cart ride! Historically she has jumped out at the slightest movement but somehow yesterday had a change of heart and decided to have a joy ride after jumping in. Too cute not to share. Had to split into two videos to post.


Pretty cat! Adorable.


What a sweet kitty! Cats have so much personality.


I’ve had a cat who used to love wheelbarrow rides. Standing up front, tail up, breeze between the ears, going for a ride.


What a pretty tabby! :heart_eyes:


LOVE her markings.

She seemed to enjoy the ride! Did she leave you a good review on yelp?


I missed this the first time around! I love how she starts out all nervous, and then clearly decides it’s pretty great.

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We have a mama cat that loves to ride the quad around the farm. If she’s in need of a ride she will jump out in front of you and MAKE you stop and then climb on.



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My kitties ride in the cart and I love it! Unfortunately for them, the hay cart and the cart used to dump soiled water buckets in looks the same. Sometimes they jump on the edge and do a quick about face when they realize the contents.


I have one that loves to ride. On the front of the truck, on the flatbed trailer and in the truck bed when hauling the horse trailer. One day I was hauling the tractor to the shop to get it serviced - there was Gretel riding down the road on the flatbed trailer. Luckily I was still next to my pasture so I stopped and threw her over the fence. Then one time she was in my truck bed when I was hauling horses to the vet. I had to back up to my property line (not easy) and throw her over the fence. She also likes to get in the truck but she always turns on the lights and locks the doors. So I have to make sure the keys are not in the truck when she is in there. She just loves things that move.


She’s at it again! Added the wheelbarrow also. All these rides were initiated by her jumping in. Uploading: IMG_5458.mov… Uploading: IMG_5462.mov…

My horse enjoyed grazing in the hayfield. Bob the Cat filled on on sentry duty one day.

Specks and Bob post