Cat has abscess on ear

My cat squeezed out of his outdoor pen the other day. I noticed tonight that his ear has pus on the outside and it is draining. It’s an abscess and since it’s already open I take that as a good sign. I did squeeze it as much as he would let me. He was crying and I didn’t want to get bitten.

Any suggestions for treatment until I can get him into the vet? I do have antibiotics for cats and I’m wondering if that would be beneficial?

He was pretty unhappy with me so I’m leaving him alone. Poor guy.

Dab it with some peroxide. That will help flush some of the gunk out and then if you can a little betadine. Neither will cause any pain and will help get him started on path to healing. Don’t squeeze - just push gently in the direction of the opening.

Hope he heals up soon poor kitty. I have dealt with waaaayyy too many of these.

Please don’t use peroxide. It can be highly corrosive to tissue and actually cause it to become necrotic if used excessively. Iodine is best for facial wounds and cheap to get and truly is the only thing we use other than chlorahexidine which I still use sparingly in open wounds.

Peroxide can help clean up blood stains on fur and clothes but should not be placed directly on a wound.

What is the antibiotic that you have at the current moment?


He felt much better today and it looked closed up so I’m leaving it alone. Unless it starts bothering him again, I’m hoping he is on the path to healing. Yesterday he was pretty miserable and he looked like he wanted to bite me. He let me know in no uncertain terms that he considered this all my fault. Very ungrateful. Today he is acting more like his usual self. Grumbly but not grumpy.

He is a cat that complains a lot. I should have named him Grumble. You pick him up and he complains… He wants attention for 5 minutes a day and after that he is done with you. Unless food is involved.


warm compresses.

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