Cat Psychologists/behaviorists: What does Gordon want? (feral cat question)

Gordon is a neutered male feral recently neutered (Sept) and introduced to my colony of 12 feral cats. Gordon’s behavior seems odd --need help understanding him. All other feral cats seem divided into two groups on my 20 acre horse farm (there are day feeders whom I see maybe once a week, and night feeders whom I never see except on my trail cameras which cover the feeding stations). These cats are mostly male, neutered, adults.

Gordon lives in the barn, not outside (rest of the clowder find shelter in various outbuildings owned by my neighbor --I see them there when I ride, or their tracks in the snow). Because Gordon’s neutering didn’t go as planned and required a 4 week confinement --I let him stay inside the barn --open the doors in the AM --he can come and go as he pleases --shut them in the PM --then he’s stuck in the barn for the night. Sleeps in the mow on the hay, I think.

The question: When I go out in the AM, Gordon appears promptly at his personal feeding station in the barn. He proceeds to meow loudly. I feed him (never get too close to him, he’ll be all nicey-nicey then go crazy cat and attack) --then I go about my horse chores --that includes filling the other two feeding stations.

Gordon follows me around, meowing loudly. Where I am (unless I’m on a horse) Gordon is close by --meowing. He seems to WANT something --yet he has everything : freedom, food (still feeding him both dry and canned), warm place to sleep, and the company of his kind (although all I’ve seen him do is beat them up and run them off) --oh, Gordon has also run off the raccoons an the small possum that used to come and eat left over cat scraps).

Ideas on how to appease Gordon? I tried just sitting on the ground quietly. He came about 20 feet from me, looked straight at me and meowed for 10 min straight --never came closer.

He does come within about three feet of me when I feed him, but as I said, any hand near him evokes a vicious attack.


pix of Gordon


He may have reached the stage where he WANTS attention, but is still too afraid to get close and actually receive the attention. My half-wild kittens from the neighbors are like this now - starting to realize that I am the food lady, not a serial killer, but not quite tame enough yet to trust me to pet them.


maybe put food on hard ground, and toss kibble to him. Tossing kibble at Tater is what finally took him from being terrified of me to allowing me to pick him up.


I’ve seen that behavior, too often, in pet cats who were dumped at the barn. He possibly wants to be friends but is too traumatized and untrusting to approach nearer. I would talk back to him. It will help him to learn his name and your tone. Having a distinct word for mealtime can help too. We use “brekkers” in my house. I disagree with free feeding. You are doing a great job.


Have you tried petting him with a glove on a stick? It does sound like he wants something…

Some cats are more talkative than others. I have one that chats about everything even though half the time they are complaints! He has all sorts of things to say.

If you think he may have been a house cat at some point, I would try moving him in the house and see if he feels more trusting inside.

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This describes a few of my ferals who have turned very friendly after time and work. He wants attention but is scared. I always chat with mine who talk to me :slight_smile: and when I have time I’ll sit (usually with my back facing them so no scary eye contact) and then let them start getting closer until they touch me. I just had a really tough one that took 2 years of him learning to trust me. It was so rewarding when I could finally pet him and now… according to Dobby Cat, my presence at the barn is solely for feeding and petting him lol


@4horses --Gordon can never be a house cat for two reason: 1) he stinks. I can smell “cat” the second I walk into my 50x40 barn that used to smell like hay and horses --not now. Smells like Gordon. 2) Gordon isn’t a “nice” cat —I have two little (6 pounds) queens who live quite happily in the house. Based on what I’ve seen Gordon do to the big feral cats, those little girls wouldn’t last long.

When I picked Gordon up from the Neuter Scooter, things had not gone well for him --he was the last to leave as he’d had extensive treatment and draining of various abscessed wounds that I didn’t know about --I trapped Gordon as a nuisance cat in the middle of a mid-size city. I immediately took him to the Neuter Scooter --only after he was put under anesthesia did anyone realize he’d been hurt. After that, the vets had trouble bringing him back to consciousness. He was kept confined for 4 weeks while he healed and became used to living at my place (worried he go back to the city).

During the time Gordon was confined to a cage --I did try “patting” him with a riding crop through the bars --he’d be sooo sweet --then in a flash --he’d scream and attack. He almost got me one time when I was putting fresh water into his cage --usually poured through the bars, but once, I opened the door and tried to set the water dish inside --he came at me so fast I barely got my hand out! No warning --just normal nice cat --until he isn’t.

Maybe time will heal him --or not --he seems content if maybe lonely. He did have a feral “family” where I trapped him --a lady cat and a kitten . . .makes me sad to think he might miss them --but as soon as Gordon was trapped, they were not seen again.


I think he wants to be near you. He obviously likes you and feels safe with you but he is scared.

My Silo would look at me and meow , meow, meow and that stopped when one day he let me pet him.

Give him time. Maybe sit in the barn and talk to him and see if he will eventually let you pet him.


Sometimes cats with residual pain or even simply arthritis will do the super sweet to seriously aggressive switch. It’s possible that this is occurring. Leave him be (no petting) and let him recover. And when the day comes (optimistic) never pet him on the back, always start behind ears and under chin. They can seem so freakin ungrateful but if he keeps the critters out, win win.


Gordon may just need Tincture of Time.
Sounds like he’s a Mouth on Wheels type - like my housecat Bounce. A Talker :smile_cat:
My guess is regular meals were never so available to him & he’s looking for MORE.

If you haven’t seen my Cheeto posts, he was a feral 6mo kitten when I got him & Bounce.
They were fostered at different locations, adopted from the same shelter the same day.
Bounce got friendly within a month, Cheeto lived in my basement for 4 YEARS & would probably have stayed there if I hadn’t needed work done.
Live-trapped & brought upstairs he was invisible for many more months, finally leaving the guestroom/Catroom, but untouchable for more months. Then he became a fat, orange barnacle & Bounce’s BF(eline)FF.

When I had to put him down after his 3rd bout with FIC, in as many years, I found Bounce a bit more clingy.
So about a month ago, I got Stripes.
10yo Sr cat, returned to the shelter after 6yrs.
He’s just now starting to be friendly to me & cordial (no hissing) to Bounce.
He’s the most food-motivated cat I’ve had in 50yrs. I expect that accounts for his 'tude toward me: Provider of Noms.
He’s no lapcat, but likes to be there whenever I’m in the kitchen. Where he gets fed - had to separate his dishes or he’d eat his, then go for Bounce’s.

I expect since Gordon was outdoors & unneutered for some time, he’ll take longer to acclimate.
It sounds like he’s decided your barn is his new home.
The smell is him marking, hopefully as his testosterone level lowers, he won’t feel that need.
But he may never lose the habit.
You could try the Feliway pheromones, but not sure they work outdoors.
That he seeks your company is hopeful.
He may come around, or may stay aloof.
But, as @BrownDerby says, if he does the job…


I think it’s his way of being as friendly as he can be (tolerate) at the moment.
He’s very handsome :star_struck:.

Aw. He likes you. Cats generally meow to people, not to other cats. I agree with the other posters that he wants to be friends, but is too afraid. Poor Gordon.


Maybe cat kisses will help him relax around you. You look at the cat, then slowly blink and turn your head away. It conveys to him that you are not a threat.

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When you feed Gordon, just sit there with him. Don’t do anything. Don’t try to pet him, just sit there and maybe talk a little bit. It sounds likes he wants to be friends but isn’t quite there yet.


I agree he could be trying to connect but even before I read his story I also would wonder if he had an injury/illness. I have one hands off sort of cat that will follow me around and talk to me when she is hurt or not feeling well. Considering his story I might wonder too if the anesthesia from his procedures tweaked his brain; I’ve known a cat that had severe behavior issues after surgery.

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