Gordon is a neutered male feral recently neutered (Sept) and introduced to my colony of 12 feral cats. Gordon’s behavior seems odd --need help understanding him. All other feral cats seem divided into two groups on my 20 acre horse farm (there are day feeders whom I see maybe once a week, and night feeders whom I never see except on my trail cameras which cover the feeding stations). These cats are mostly male, neutered, adults.
Gordon lives in the barn, not outside (rest of the clowder find shelter in various outbuildings owned by my neighbor --I see them there when I ride, or their tracks in the snow). Because Gordon’s neutering didn’t go as planned and required a 4 week confinement --I let him stay inside the barn --open the doors in the AM --he can come and go as he pleases --shut them in the PM --then he’s stuck in the barn for the night. Sleeps in the mow on the hay, I think.
The question: When I go out in the AM, Gordon appears promptly at his personal feeding station in the barn. He proceeds to meow loudly. I feed him (never get too close to him, he’ll be all nicey-nicey then go crazy cat and attack) --then I go about my horse chores --that includes filling the other two feeding stations.
Gordon follows me around, meowing loudly. Where I am (unless I’m on a horse) Gordon is close by --meowing. He seems to WANT something --yet he has everything : freedom, food (still feeding him both dry and canned), warm place to sleep, and the company of his kind (although all I’ve seen him do is beat them up and run them off) --oh, Gordon has also run off the raccoons an the small possum that used to come and eat left over cat scraps).
Ideas on how to appease Gordon? I tried just sitting on the ground quietly. He came about 20 feet from me, looked straight at me and meowed for 10 min straight --never came closer.
He does come within about three feet of me when I feed him, but as I said, any hand near him evokes a vicious attack.
pix of Gordon