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Cat tail injury near end - Amputate tip or most of tail?

I told the vet to leave it as long as she was comfortable, and this is what we got. He can twitch the tip as well as lash the whole thing, so he has a greater range of expression remaining than if we’d gone for a bob. (I had several family members think it looked odd and wonder why I hadn’t gone with a shorter cut.) Of course it will look better when the shaved portion finishes growing in!

The tip isn’t completely skinned over but I’m seeing how he does without the cone today. We had been giving him an hour here & there of cone-free lap time to bathe, scratch, and get comfortable.


I like it! It looks sporty :grinning:


It definitely has a jaunty swish to it now!

And it looks like he’s fine without the cone! Yay! I probably kept it on way longer than needed but early on I left it off an instant too long after he finished his supper and he ripped 2 of his 3 stitches out. Which bled and left a big scab the vet had to remove to get the remaining stitch out. I’m not sure if that slowed down healing or not, but I didn’t want to risk another setback.


It sounds like he earned his extra long cone wearing with that sneak stitch removal.

I think his shorter tail looks adorable. So glad it is working out well.