One of my cats broke his tail a couple inches from the tip - I believe it was caught in a screen door, latched near the top, which twisted open at the base when pushed, then sprang closed. (I’m not sure of the geometry of pushing with the front paw yet catching the tail, but it’s the only explanation I can find for the injury which happened while he was right near that door.) One side of the tail is skinned for a bit over an inch, then broken at the end of that, maybe 2" from the end.
He was in to the vet and is scheduled for amputation on Tuesday. The vet talked about taking it off just before the injury, but then was concerned that even with a collar he would be able to reach that and interfere with healing, so she also talked of taking off most of the tail.
I know tail amputations are not uncommon and read the stories in the Jan. '16 thread, as well as articles elsewhere online. But most amputations discussed seem to be of most of the tail. (A lot of injuries appear to be near the base or midway down.)
Does anyone have experience with removing just a few inches (4"??) of tail? How did that go?
I’m getting family commenting a stylish short bob might actually look better than an abruptly-ending longish tail. And my first cat (oh so many decades ago) was a Manx “stumpy” so I know the look! But I hate to cut off more of an appendage than necessary, even when I know cats (esp. indoor, which he is) do fine without a tail.
Edit to include Hogan’s picture, just woken from a nap on the dog bed he stole. You can see where the injury is.