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Cataract surgery, what’s your story?

I knew it was time for cataract surgery when I couldn’t find my horse in the pasture. Had to get someone to spot her. My eye doctor was able to correct the astigmatism and put in lenses to correct my far vision. I need readers but that’s no big deal. I had my surgeries 2 weeks apart on Thursdays. Back to work on Monday. The hardest part was the 2 weeks between surgeries. I felt very off balance and needless to say, didn’t ride. I was out of the saddle about a month.

that is a real interesting observation. The distortion of your 3D vision I assume? it is a good to know observation.

It was my depth perception. One eye was corrected for far vision, the other was yet to be corrected so nothing felt like where it should be. I took the lens out of my glasses for the corrected eye but things were still weird.

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I tried contacts with one corrected for distance and the other for near. I lost depth perception / 3D. Everything felt flat and it was highly disorienting. It actually interfered with my confidence in my near vision /fine touch needed for my work . After three months I threw in the towel and went back to glasses.

Waiting for my cataracts to get worse

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