Still hanging around. They are having discussions, which are quite musical. Not actually seriously fighting, but weighing each other up. It’s like adding a new horse to a herd. The farm is big enough that nobody will be cornered; plenty of escape/avoidance room.
I haven’t yet determined gender. The other cats are much closer today, and things are not relaxed enough for me to feel comfortable checking under the hood. This cat is not yet relaxed even with me, definitely not with the other cats yet, but I can talk my way up to it and scratch ears. Just haven’t made it to the backside yet. This is definitely a socialized cat but has had occasion to reconsider humans since then. He/she will come around, I’m sure.
I’m also betting that whether male or female, it hasn’t yet been speutered. I’m not that lucky. So once it’s relaxed enough to restrain and stuff in a carrier, we shall proceed to the vet.
Not a flicker of response on my post on the animal lost/found list in these parts. I’ll put a word in at the country gas station tomorrow. That place is so much the center of what’s happening that literally, the little township posts public notices there the few times a year they have something to tell us. As in official, legal public notices, notices which I have never seen elsewhere as well, so it isn’t just multiple sites. It’s apparently the case that putting it at the gas station is equivalent to informing the community.
P.S. Hey, you can select multiple files for upload instead of one at a time! Probably everybody else knew that already.