Cavallo Simple Boot "Pastern Wraps"

I recently bought the Cavallo Simple boots and are really happy with them. Despite skepticism as other boots never worked on my 13.1 hand POA, these really stay on well.

I bought the Pastern Wraps also since they were cheap enough, used them a few times.

But, are they really necessary? I’d like to elminate extra steps to put the boots on, so again, is there really a reason to use the Pastern Wraps?


I foxhunt in the cavallos with no pastern wraps and no problems.

Try it and see :).

Thanks Bogie - Will give it a try.

BTW, I see you are in the Boston area. We were at Boston College for my Niece’s graduation on Friday. LOVED it up there!!! She is in Brookline.
I could easily live there, except, I didn’t see any horses…lol
Beautiful city…:yes:

Horses are on the other side of 128 :D. The further west (or north) you go the more you see.

I have been very pleased with the Cavallos.

Even better, they are generally available in the clearance section of the smartpak store, which brings the price down to about $100 per pair.

Horses are on the other side of 128 :D. The further west (or north) you go the more you see.

I have been very pleased with the Cavallos.

Even better, they are generally available in the clearance section of the smartpak store, which brings the price down to about $100 per pair.[/QUOTE]

I have used them as well and never used the pastern wraps - but then I was using them for turnout, not trail riding. And, my farrier said he could get them at wholesale price, so if I needed another set to let him know and he would get them for me. So check with your farrier before you pay full price.


I have used Cavallo Simple boots for 3 years on 8 different horses. It seems I need pastern wraps on some, and on others depending on the terrain. If I am riding aggressive hills with lots of rocks I always use them as I have gotten rubs without them. On the flatter ground, I rarely need them.

I would always buy them to have. You should always check after about an hour to see if you are getting any rubs the first time you use the boots. That way, you will have the wraps and if you need them you can slip them on!

I also seem to get rubs early in the spring, but I blame that on winter hair…

I went out for about 45 minutes today and when I took the boots off, I didn’t see any rubbing.

Would the heel bulb be visibly rubbed or discolored? I guess I’m just not sure what to look for regarding rubbing.

A rub would be the hair starting to be worn away, much like a blanket rub. If you let it go too long, you can wear down the skin. I have done both, :frowning: but now I wear the wraps on all tough hilly rocky rides just to be safe.

I have gotten rubs along the sides of the ankles and more recently on the backs of the ankles…

I recently bought the Cavallo Simple boots and are really happy with them. Despite skepticism as other boots never worked on my 13.1 hand POA, these really stay on well.

I bought the Pastern Wraps also since they were cheap enough, used them a few times.

But, are they really necessary? I’d like to elminate extra steps to put the boots on, so again, is there really a reason to use the Pastern Wraps?


Depends! Does your horse get rubbed by the boots if without the wraps? That’s really the whole clinch. I’ve become “good friends” with all the alternatives out there as I’ve been round the block with cavallos. In my experience, they’re good if you have problems with rubbing OR if the boots are a tad too big. I used them with my Simple size 3’s, and they became more and more necessary as the boots became too big (my horse’s hooves shrank and became much more compact as he got better barefoot trimming). Now as I went over to Simple size 2’s they started rubbing something fearsome on the top of his foot. I would love to use the wraps BUT the boots are too small, so I haven’t got a chance of getting space to put the wraps on! My trimmer says if you don’t have wraps then a woolen sock can be a good idea to pull over his hoof inside the boot. However I haven’t got space for them either, so my only fix has been vet wrap around the hoof as it’s the only thing that’s thin enough. But I’ve now had to realise this rubbing is caused by his hoof being too tall for the boot, and I’ve switched to EasyBoot Epic on the fronts and still use Cavallo Simple #2 on the back feet. Haven’t got a choice as my use for them is in winter on the ice and snow, with BG-1200 studs in the soles.

So long story short … the wraps are great if you have problems with rubbing or if you need to reduce the size of the boot a bit, but otherwise not really necessary :slight_smile: Eliminate them if you want.

On my one barefoot horse, I bought the wraps with my Cavallo Sport Boots and they ended being more of a headache then they are worth, wouldn’t stay put. If you break in the boots according to the directions, well, I have not had any rubs on all day rides. I currently use them up front and my old Epics behind, but when $$$$ possible, will replace the Epics with new Sports!

I’m another who uses the cavallo when I use boots and I’ve done some rugged trails with them. Never had any rubbing at all so never felt the need for wraps.
I agree when the boots are new they need to be broken in as per directions.
I did this by turning my horse out in them.

ecrklaveness, I find it interesting that your horses hooves became smaller. In our case when I went barefoot my horses hooves became larger and rounder.

Thanks for posting this. I find that although the boots are easy to get on and off, the gaiters that came with them are a PIA. So I’ll try leaving them off and see how that works.

I have Cavallo Simples but haven’t used them for any really long rides yet, just everyday rides at home. I don’t have the pastern wraps and so far haven’t seen any signs of rubbing, though again not used them for a long ride yet.

However, I have seen on other threads the idea of using the knee-high hose under the boot as a wrap, and it seems like a good idea. Maybe that would work, esp if a wool sock like ecrklaveness suggested wouldn’t fit. The Simples really fit my girl’s feet well, so I don’t think I’d have room for a sock, but when I go on a long ride with them I’m going to try the knee high idea.