Cavallo sport horse boots- question

Bought a pair yesterday for my mare. They seem it fit her great, I watched the videos, foot goes in fine, some wiggle but cant twist the boot.

My question is, when she walks there seem to be a lot of up ad down movement in the boot?? I’m thinking this will cause rubbing. Is this normal?? Not too sure how much is too much and obviously cant use them too much to see as I my need to return them!

I LOVE these boots. That said, follow the directions on how to break them in very carefully (and the pastern wraps are horrid and useless). I did that and I keep the boots clean and the leather collars conditioned and soft and never have any rubs.

That said, it sounds like yours may be too big. I followed their measurements when I ordered, but ended up returning the first pair for a smaller size. They do not move AT ALL and have gone many many miles. Works out great for my guy I no longer keep in shoes, since he is not competing.

Not that you want to hear this, but you may end up having to own two sizes anyway… My horse fits best in the Simples, but depending on where he is in his trim cycle (which is 6 weeks max), he’s either size 2 or size 3. The size 2s fit best in the 2-3 weeks post trim, but by week 5, I can’t get them on at all. :no:

Decided I was unhappy with the fit and opted for a pair of Old macs which worked great

The size 2s fit best in the 2-3 weeks post trim, but by week 5, I can’t get them on at all. :no:[/QUOTE]

Yep, mine are the same way, by about week 3-4 I have to rasp off some toe to make sure they get a good fit. I’m definitely not a farrier, but I can use a rasp well enough & double checked technique with farrier to make sure my paranoid self wouldn’t hurt anything, heh. But I’m fine with that, I WANT a good close fit!