Cavasson Help

I do like the “bit hanger” design on that one in comparison to the QHP that I have. I do not use a bit when using a cavesson anyway, but can see how that would be useful. IME Busse makes a good product for the money.

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I have the QHP one and don’t have any complaints for the price. It’s pretty adjustable.

If you aren’t looking for extra rings for side reins or whathaveyou, you might also consider the original Micklem multibridle that has a ring on the nose.


Definitely would be interested in who you bought the “excessive” one from!! If it’s a phenomenal cavesson I’m open to spending a little extra; did you find it to be good for groundwork as well?

Thank you so much for the help!! Definitely wanting to put my money towards a long lasting one, so glad to not be wasting money on the dover or QHP cavessons :see_no_evil:

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Good question! He’s a particularly sensitive horse and doesn’t take well to the bit just yet. Since our goal is strengthening his back and core I don’t want to introduce the bit just yet and have to deal with that on top of the rehab. Plus, I’m looking to do in hand dressage work as well which a cavesson would be super helpful for!

Aside from that, I’m just not a huge fan of lunging in a bit. I find it’s very hard to accomplish what I’m looking for since there’s no way to have even pressure.


Thank you so much!! Have you noticed any twisting or sliding with the Busse?

Definitely considering the ultrasoft, I like the ring placement. Would you consider it to be good quality leather and not “flimsy” so to speak? Also, have you noticed any sliding or twisting with it?

Thank you so much for the help!!

The QHP one isn’t bad. I wouldn’t say it’s a waste of money because it is OK, and many are satisfied with it.

I don’t do groundwork in the cavesson, really. Only light lunging/lunging over poles. Any in hand pole stuff that we do is just done in a halter.

For groundwork I use a regular halter or a rope halter. For long lining I use my Kieffer sidepull or regular snaffle bridle.

My horse is pretty similar in each set up, so a lot of the time, we just do things in his halter. He’s a sensitive horse, because that’s what I like. So really, he’s working off of body language and light cues anyway.

If I lunge him in the cavesson vs the halter, there are minimal changes in his posture. He’s pretty good at carrying/using himself. It’s a good piece of tack to have and is quite useful though.

I have this one from DP, and am happy with it.

There’s also a heavier-duty one.

My horses liked it so much that I bought a second one, so that I could have one in my trailer. It’s beautiful soft leather. My only criticism is that the bit hangers do not have very much adjustability, but there was room to punch another hole. I used this cavesson for long lining training too, on the side rings before a bit. It was great.

I got a good price from

I have the second one and was going to recommend it. It’s great. I use it all the time on young horses and older ones and it looks brand new.

The nose is firm but well padded and the shape is great too.

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This is pretty much exactly what I’m looking for!! Thank you so much for the suggestion

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Definitely going to consider this one then. I loved the craftsmanship and leather on the perfect cavesson, so I wouldn’t doubt that the Ultrasoft is comparable!

sent you a pm

I bought the Barefoot cavesson, and really like it. It’s just the nose piece with bit hangers, and you can attach it to any headstall you want. I ended up attaching it to an old bridle, and bought pony cheeks to get it to sit in the right place. I’ve only used it on one relatively well behaved horse, and haven’t had any problems with any sliding or twisting.