Cavasson Help

Long time lurker, first time poster. I think I’ve gone through just about every cavesson help post in COTH, but am still struggling to find the “perfect” one. I’m looking for advice on what cavesson worked for everybody’s OTTBs for lunging & groundwork :slight_smile: I’ve tried the Kieffer Perfect Lunge cavesson and it didn’t work out whatsoever. Was way too narrow and the metal noseband didn’t allow for any give, so thinking we need to stay away from any metal cores. It might’ve worked if I fitted it right above his nostril, but I’m uncomfortable with any drop noseband types. Looking for the most comfortable yet functional cavesson out there.

The kicker, wanting to stay at or under $200 while still getting a quality cavesson that will last. I love the HCS cavesson, but $310 is just not feasible. Any suggestions?? I’m at my wits end with the cavesson search, I was not aware it’d be this difficult.

Picture of the rehab pony for tax

Cavessons are meant to fit a bit low. If you want something way up right under the cheek bones a tightly fitted halter is going to be your best bet.

FWIW, I’ve used the Kieffer Perfect on a variety of warmbloods and have never had a problem with it being too narrow. They’re meant to be snug, not have any gappage.


Hybrid halter works for me. Knots on the nose for a little extra authority and side rings to snap the longe line. A leather cavesson is just one more thing to clean.


I like the mechanics of cavessons, just not looking for one that fits like a drop. The Kieffer associate advised me to fit it quite literally right above the nostrils and I’m not comfortable working my horse is that set up. I’m sure it would’ve “fit” if I adjusted it that way, but it just doesn’t sit right with me. I tried fitting it quite low and tight and not only did he absolutely hate it but it slid as well, thinking it’s made for the iberian type.

I don’t mind a cavesson sitting lower as they all do, but it certainly doesn’t need to be as extreme as a drop. I really like the HCS one, but way out of budget! He’s been going in a halter, but after research I’d like to start using a cavesson :slight_smile:

He’s been going in a rope halter, but looking to invest in a cavesson after doing more research!! For rehab he needs to be moving as correct as possible and I’m hoping a cavesson will support that goal.

His rope halter has certainly served us well though, just not quite a fit for our situation!

That is literally how cavessons fit. If you want one to fit up high like a cavesson noseband, just use a snug-fitting halter because you’re going to be hard pressed to find a cavesson with any bite to it at all that sits that high. And, if you don’t need any bite, then use a snug-fitting halter or one of the really crappy cavessons that are complete junk and can’t be fitted properly but have the ring on the front.

Out of budget HCS Cavesson that I like:

I really might be uneducated here, but to me the HCS cavesson doesn’t look like it’s fitted like a drop to me? Perhaps it is and my terminology is off, but it seems like a big difference to me.

I don’t need any “bite” to a cavesson. That defeats the whole purpose of a cavesson to me and completely negates the positive effects i’m looking for. And again, I need something that fits properly, is comfortable to the horse, and allows for proper balance and movement. A halter and your suggestion of a crappy cavesson are not what my situation calls for.


That is pretty much exactly how a dropped noseband is fitted. They are not meant to interfere with the nostrils. If they do, they’re not fitted properly.

I personally don’t love the one pictured as the upper jowl strap has potential for interfering with the throat and the middle one is bizarrely low. The jowl strap (singular) ideally goes across the meaty part of the mandible and is just there to keep the cheek straps out of the eyes. That said, there are loads of ye olde styles that have different styles of keep the front of the noseband up and keep the cheek pieces out of the eyes strap arrangements.

Like it or not, your idea of a cavesson and the actuality of them may be, er, worlds apart. They are not meant to be soft, sweet, pretty little smooshy headpieces. They are meant to be as gentle as a halter in the right hands and to stop a freight train should one suddenly appear out of thin air. I suggested looking for something that is not an actual working cavesson, but something softer and ‘gentler’ because that seems to be what you’re after, not a working cavesson.


Thank you so so much! This is one that’s been widely revered, so I’m actually super glad to hear some criticism on it. I was debating just saving up and getting that one, but your reply has given me a lot more to research. As far as it fitting a drop goes, this is what I’m used to seeing out at shows and online for drops - I have no use for one and therefore am ignorant to proper fit and usage of them. Always glad to learn!!

From what I’ve researched and been told, the cavesson should allow for precise cues yes, but it’s not necessarily something to control the hotter ones. I was under the impression that it was for clearer communication, improved balance (as apparently they can’t balance properly with the line under the jaw), and more concise lunging overall. I’ve definitely seen others that use it for the more difficult horse and cavessons that are designed for that, but overall my understanding was that control was not the purpose.

Furthermore, it’s also a tool for precise communication for groundwork/in hand dressage. I don’t see how you’d really need control for either of those, just clear communication?

I like this one from Dover

I have one of these from ~20 years ago and it is heavy duty leather and has held up very well to lots of shenanigans. Of course no promise about the leather quality now. :cry: I also liked that I could stick side reins on these rings (which aren’t meant for them), because I don’t like putting side reins on the bit for super soft mouthed horses. I put the side reins on the bottom part of the ring, you just have to push the metal piece down a bit so there’s space for the snap below the leather strap.

If you want one that has bit rings, Dover carries one almost identical to this with bit rings:


It’s at the top of your budget, but this one is really really nice. So well made.

That said, 90% of the time, I lunge in a soft rope halter with a breakaway crown from Horse Education Company though. My horse just likes it.

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Oo I’ll have to give it a look!! I didn’t even consider Dover for cavessons, thank you so much!

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You’re welcome!!

I haven’t tried their lunging cavassons but I like their trail bridles a lot. Not sure if this is what you’re looking for or if it counts as a crappy cavasson but might be worth a look.

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Here is a different Kieffer cavesson that both of my horses liked:
Lunging Equipment > Lunge Cavesson Kieffer Ultrasoft® - Kieffer | EN
It has a flexible core. I had a traditional cavesson that I bought decades ago in Holland, heavy with heavy metal on it, and they did not like that. I have also lunged in a rope halter and now I mostly lunge in a bridle. I will admit that I like the snap on lunging attachment.


FWIW, I bought the Dover one but ended up returning it because the leather wasn’t great, it was bulky and I just felt “meh” about it overall. It’s entirely possible that their older ones were better. I bought mine last fall.

I have a QHP lunging caveson, and it seems to be sort of a Kieffer knock off. It does have “bit hangers” that you can attach and/or detatch, but I’ve not used them. Overall it’s ok and good for the price.

Ultimately, I ended up ordering one from an Iberian tack designer in Europe, but it was over $200. I love it and it blows the other two out of the water. It’s just beautiful, but probably excessive :rofl:

I have found that both of my horses have balanced, relaxed, and worked well just in halters, but I understand that YMMV. I do think that the weight of your lunge line and the clip/fastener can have an impact in some ways too.

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I have a busse professional cavesson, no idea how much they are now as I imported it from Germany a few years ago but I think it was fairly reasonably priced. Plus side it doesn’t have a hinge right on top of the nose, downside it only comes in pony or full/wb and the full is a bit big for my very dainty tb. I’ve added about 4 holes to the crown so it sits better now but I probably should have returned it for the pony size.

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Not sure if this is the Busse one referred to, but might be something of interest to the OP:

Also saw this one:

I’ve ordered from both places while living in Europe and the USA, and they’re great to deal with, IME.

Edit: another Busse one

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If you can’t find a cavesson that you feel fits comfortably, is there a reason you can’t lunge him in a snaffle bridle?

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This is the specific one I have

I haven’t ordered from them but they have the best photos of it, the pony size has a completely different look to the full size one
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