Cavesson for in-hand work or longeing

I’m looking for a cavesson with at least a middle ring on the noseband. If it has the two extra rings that’s fine. Has anyone actually bought and used any of these or have another recommendation? I’m trying to fit a 4yo Connemara Pony so I probably need a Cob size.

Manolo Mendez

Valenca Equestrian

Marjoman (via Amy Skinner)

Editing to add other suggestions


I have two from QCV in Portugul. They are custom made, so you can get exactly what you need. Great quality. Mine are about 6 and 4 years old, and like new with regular use.

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All cavessons I’ve ever see have 3 rings.

The variations are in the width and material of straps, the weight of the nose band and the general fit.

Years ago I bought a Portuguese cavesson because it was thin leather and could go under a bridle and be taken off. I liked the design. Well, it never ever really sat right on my Paint mare who has a big head that is not really tapered. But on the Lusitano cross project horse who is very tyoey, the Portuguese cavesson fits like its made for her.

Scored a freebie old junkie nylon cavesson and it fits Paint beautifully. Kind of cavesson made for American or British TB or WB etc.

Paint has a wonderful rope halter that fits perfectly but I can never get the rope halter to sit right on the LusiX.

So I would suggest staying clear of Iberian tack unless your horse has an Iberian head.

Paint has a big head and jaws but doesn’t taper much. Rectangle head from side. LusiX has a very tapered head, big jaws, room behind jaws in throatltch. Her head looks small and pretty but she takes the same Full/warmblood size leather shipping halter as Paint.


I have the Manolo cavesson and really like it. It’s lightweight but gives good control. My guy is a Trakehner and the horse size fits him well.

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I also have the Manolo Mendez cavesson. One ring. Light. It needs to be used with great respect. The nose band is a solid metal piece and can be very severe if used improperly or if the horse steps on the lunge line. The hinges on the sides have the advantage of creating lateral flexion.

I had never used one before so bought the Shires one from SmartPak because it was an inexpensive experiment. I actually really like it!


I have used for too many years a Wels caveson the same as used in the SRS. .

This is the best and closest in design, it has a wide nose band and round hardware between nose band and side piece. Gibson saddlery is an old British Co. therefore the nose band should be a comfortablee one-not too wide, nor too narrrow. The rest of the leather looks quite aubstantial.

It is expensive but well worth the money, as good one, well cared for will last forever.

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I have an older (15+ years old) version of this one:

AND one of the no longer available SRS styled ones that Dover sold for a few years.

This is the Dover/SRS cavesson with some supplemental fleece padding added. My horses have small cob heads, and Dover only sold “Horse” and “Oversize”. I had my leather worker shorten some pieces and use fleece padding to further help the fit.

One feature that sets both of these apart from many of the lunge cavessons is that there is no joint in the middle of the metal noseband piece so there is no nutcracker action on the bone. There are joints on each side, but not over the nose.

Both of them have well placed cheek straps to keep the cavesson from slipping into the horse’s eye.

I still use both routinely. Some of my horses prefer one over the other and there are some minor fitting differences so I’m glad to have two to choose from. The SRS/Dover one has beautiful leather and hardware. The Hastilow has held up well so far, but the metal on the rings is thinner than on other cavessons I’ve seen. The center ring is “slightly” bent/worn after 15+ years of regular use. I don’t know if the current model uses the same kind of metal hardware for the nosepiece as my older model does. Also the center ring doesn’t swivel. Here’s a close-up view:

I have had three and my favorite by far is the Kieffer Ultrasoft. It has bit hangers that you can remove, however sizing is weird on them.

I’ve got the Kieffer Perfect.

The leather is lovely and my freight train will not run through the noseband during in-hand work. She will blow through the most lovely $$$ cavesson if it’s got a smidge of padding. Because she can. Because more forward faster is always the best answer to any question even after you already know how to do all the (“stoopid dressage”) things.

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This is my cavesson. It’s one of my pride and joy items of horse tack. Very similar to a Wels cavesson as used at the SRS. I don’t like the traditional German type.

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I have the Manolo and overall its okay but I wish the nosepiece was lighter. The nosepiece is a solid piece of iron or some heavy metal & you need to hammer it to shape it to the horse’s nose.

After seeing the Kieffer Ultrasoft above being able to attach a bit might be a handy feature as well, especially for green beans :slight_smile:

I used to have one of the QCV cavessons, It was well made, pretty heavy and a solid metal piece over the nose (leather wrapped). I suspect that it was a little small for my mare, which is why she prefers the softer cavesson that I have now.

I am now using a much softer cavesson that is more like the the Marjoman cavesson you have posted. My mare has been happier in that one.