CBS Saturday Morning news on racing:

They had a story on racing’s injuries/deaths:…ash-of-deaths/

I expect they will keep repeating that story thru all the weekend news.

They repeatedly have those kinds of stories, rarely one showing what we do with horses in a good light:

I saw the interview.

I can’t remember the name of the KY breeder who said, “If they needs drugs to race, they don’t need to race.”…or something to that effect.

I seem to recall it was Seth (?) Hancock that said that… could be misremembering.

Arthur Hancock is the one who was featured in the CBS piece, along with Gary Stevens.

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Haven’t seen the piece, but Seth Hancock is retired. He doesn’t give interviews.

I couldn’t remember who made the comments as denoted by the (?) following the first name. I did seem to think it was a Hancock so at least I got that correct.

Thanks all for pointing out that I got the individual Hancock incorrect. :rolleyes:

Where’sMyWhite - not sure what the rolly eyes are for - you questioned your own statement with a “?”, so I responded to clarify which Hancock was in the piece. It wasn’t meant as a criticism, or to “point out” that you were incorrect. That’s not my way. Thanks

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