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Cellulitis After Hocks + Stifle Injections - Treatment Alternatives

About a year ago I had my then 13-year-old Hanoverian mare’s hocks and one stifle injected. The vet I used was the best in the area and the stable she was kept was impeccable. About a week, maybe two, after the injections she developed cellulitis in both legs, no fever. It was treated and the horse is fine - the vet’s best guess was the antiseptic used to clean injection sites set off the inflammation.

As show season is ramping up this year I know the injections would be a benefit, but I am obviously fearful of trying again since the risk of reoccurrence is probably greater if something other than the antiseptic caused it.
I have a couple questions for you:

  1. Has your horse experienced cellulitis following injections (both legs) that did not come on immediately? If so, please share your experience and resolution.
  2. As an alternative I am considering starting with Adequan and Equinoxx. Any other thoughts or suggestions?

Never heard of a cellulitis case as a result of joint injections. Hocks, stifles, whatever. Septic joints and joint flares, yes, but cellulitis, no. Not to say that it isn’t possible. Who knows. If that is really the best guess and if the horse will really benefit from the same injections this year, then I’d probably just make the vet aware and do whatever suggested, even if it was nothing different. The reaction sounds less than dramatic, even if undesirable. A small change like making sure to wash the horse’s legs well later that day, after injections, to remove the disinfectant from his skin rather than letting it linger might make a real difference. Ask your vet and go from there.

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I suggest going with the Adequan and starting it asap.

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