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Centaur and Equis Magazines

Remember them? For those of you who don’t, they were kind of a cross between Life and National Geographic magazines, published in the early 1980s. Beautiful photography, wide-ranging horse-related subjects.

I still have one or two of them


I remember Centaur. It was beautiful and interesting.

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I think Equus is online now.

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If anyone is interested in Centaur https://www.etsy.com/listing/1518775796/vintage-collection-of-centaur-equestrian

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Loved EQUUS --had a letter to the health column published in EQUUS issue #1. Went on to write articles for them three more times before the WWW made magazines less interested in freelance writers like me. By then I felt their articles had become “old news” --rehash of previous articles. I stopped my subscription and listed my entire collection issues 1-400+ free to whomever would come take them. A pony club leader did so and was happy to have them.

CENTAUR published one of my short stories . . .quite a thrill!


Such cool replies! Another reason why I love COTH.

EQUUS still publishes a print magazine quarterly. Not what it once was but still some good info in it.

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