I have a small at home barn, with 1 boarder on full board. Both horse and owner are lovely. The issue - when I took on the boarder in the summer I said owner must provide grains/supplements etc, and I will feed. This was initially fine, and but the number of types of dry feed is now at 6 different products (salt, supplements, grain, meds etc), plus the wet feed I prep in advance.
Due to the sheer number of products, its become more time intensive then i’d like. Plus i have a very small tack/feed room, so i pack all the products away until i’m prepping grain baggies, and then spread them all out and get to work. But because the grain bags are now so full/lack of space in my rat-proof containers, i’m needing to go through the prep process for the boarder on a 10 day basis, vs 3 weeks for my horse.
So basically, i’m wanting to make a change, and considering presenting it to boarder as 2 options:
- they prep grain baggies. no change to board fee ($650)
- I continue to prep grain baggies but $20/month surcharge required (is this fee reasonable?)
When i boarded i always prepped my own dry feed for the feeder, so that is pretty standard around here, but I also don’t mind doing it for compensation.
Thoughts on this?