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Charleston SC HJ barns for the adult re-rider?

Hi all, looking for any recs I may have missed for lesson barns in Charleston SC. I’ve searched older threads, and put a request out on a FB group for the area. Unfortunately most are way out in Huger, Awendaw, Hollywood… I’m on James Island, so the Johns Island, Wadmalaw, Ravenel side of things is better for me.
Poplar Grove looks like a wonderful option but they require 2x/weekly lessons, which I can’t carve out at this time (with 2 small kids 40 minutes away…).

Any suggestions or firsthand recs would be amazing. Thank you!

Does the Seabrook Equestrian center have lessons? That is a beautiful facility! @mroades would be an excellent resource for this question. She is a top trainer and USEF judge and knows that area well. Good luck!!

Lesson barns are going the way of the dodo here too. Lots of barns, almost none with lesson horses.Poplar is the only one I know on the West Ashley side with lesson horses. Perhaps Ramsman on Wadmalaw

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Thank you! Seabrook isn’t offering lessons at this time - I was hopeful, as my husband works on Kiawah and we could coordinate the handoff of children (ie, he could take them to the beach!)…

@bits619 did you ever find a lesson barn? I just moved to Johns Island and am also looking. Thanks!

I haven’t - I reached out to a couple but haven’t gotten a reply. I’m thinking perhaps they’re geared towards a more competitive student (as I was pretty straightforward with the fact that I don’t own or show, and am just trying to get back into the horse world as a parent of small children with limited time). Wadmalaw has a few nice looking barns though; I get the impression that a few trainers who used to be on Johns have been pushed to Wadmalaw.