Charlotte withdrawing from Olympics?

From Facebook this morning. Anyone know what this is about? Thoughts?


I’m in the UK and have just seen it too. I have always thought she’s one of the good guys, will be interested to see if anyone knows anything about the video.


I’m gutted I won’t see her compete, though saying this with no knowledge of what this is about All I can say it’s certainly telling about the impact of social media that one of the greatest athletes in the sport would make this decision based on a potentially viral video.


Has anyone seen this video?

Came to COTH the minute I read the statement to see if anyone knows what happened. I’m saddened to see someone I respect perhaps not earning that respect but I would like to understand what happened before I come to any final conclusions


None of the news sources seem to have the video thus far. We obviously won’t know until we see it, but I’d imagine it has to be pretty ugly to warrant this kind of response.

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This link was shared in another group as a possible insight:


Just read that…wow

I don’t know, there’s a lot I like in that article, and I remember reading it when it came out. Not wanting double bridles because it’s uncomfortable physically for some horses. Not liking young horse classes because trainability is more important than flashy movement at a young age. Liking mares, even if they are more unpredictable.

I don’t think a little “yeehaw” is out of place, speaking personally. Sometimes with ammies especially, they don’t use enough leg or shorten up their reins enough. But obviously this doesn’t mean abusive riding is okay.

Again, I will wait and see. I have lived in the UK so that type of humor and bluntness is typical for me.


How concerned can someone be about welfare for horse and rider if they hold on to a video for 4 years and then release it two weeks before the Olympics?


The Mark Todd video of the branch on the horse’s backside which drew such fire was released a year by the rider after it took place. The rider was just a young woman who took a clinic with him and decided to share it almost as a laugh.

This? It could be spite. Or it could be someone just decided to share something random on their phone. I am curious too.


The tone of the article says a lot about how much has changed in the horse world since London 2012. But nothing in that article is blatantly offensive or comes off as unfair or abusive to the horse.

I have no idea what the video is about.


Speculating that this is the source feels a little baseless without proof.

Beyond that — my instinct is that the video must be concerning for Charlotte to withdraw from the Olympics before it even emerges publicly, but I think it’s worth waiting until it emerges.

For the people who are speculating about the timing: yes, it seems suspect, but is that really the biggest concern when there’s questions about animal welfare and treatment? I guess people need something to talk about until we know what actually happened.


I think somewhere in the Caesar Parra thread someone dug up a video from ten-plus years ago of one of his working students (who was not involved in any of the controversy) to demonstrate that he taught riders to ride BTV intentionally. Really rubbed me the wrong way. The horse in the video was admittedly BTV but also not very strong and the rider was not terribly unbalanced or hanging on the rein. Still one of the most accidentally classless things I’ve ever seen on CotH. So people will dig up old videos for any and all sorts of things.


If the article’s language - “kick” - is what is causing a top contender to drop out of the olympics, every single event coach might as well quit.

How many times have I been at a XC clinic and the coach says “kick” and the rider maybe wiggles their foot. I have been that rider. And this is when stalling out is an absolute threat to safety.

Oi… Now I understand Boyd Martin’s facebook post.
see down below - I misattributed it to Boyd Martin - it is on Bob Woods Horses for life face book page sorry folks…

No - I have not seen the video nor know what it shows.


I am only sharing what was shared in another public group. I don’t have enough information at hand to make any sort of informed opinion. :man_shrugging:


I’m not shocked that CD would have something like this. I’m only surprised that she’s backing out of Paris. It does make you wonder what is in the video and the circumstances about the timing.

Valegro was something special but she is not really the most kind rider, imo. But I think many of the top riders probably have similar videos but no one’s chosen to release them. The pictures of Werth in the warmup ring at Tryon were pretty telling.


FWIW, I agree with this. I read the article and saw a lot to like. But I’ve always felt that way about Charlotte (and Carl).

The British press doesn’t even have the video yet, it seems.


SAME! Re: the kicking, and as my teacher always used to say, a million little nudges are less effective and more annoying than one firm Pony Club kick.

What did Boyd say? I couldn’t find it online.

@SadieRidingHorses-- wow, even the British press doesn’t have their fingers on it! That is top secret!

I too was always a fan and am sorry to learn of this, regardless, if it’s as bad as we speculate.


What was Boyd Martin’s FB post?

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