Charlotte withdrawing from Olympics?

That is on you. As they say here on COTH…grow a spine…some would say some balls.

And before someone jumps down my throat, I have been in these shoes. Went to a fahncy barn…with a fahncy trainer…Dutch…with my stallion. Said trainer wanted to put my horse in draw reins. I said no. Said trainer wanted to ride my horse. I said no. I paid for my lesson and left. Never to return.


This isn’t helpful. Really. Some don’t know what they know, some are timid, etc…education is best rather than blame and ridicule.


Also, you have mentioned many times how you had to deal with certain situations in your field of work. Spoiler: not everyone is like you.


You’d need one heck of a wrist I’d think. I can’t imagine the last half would do any sort of damage. And no I’m not defending her just to be clear.


Did she recently become a lawyer in the Netherlands?

ETA has anyone checked out the wacky ones facebook? I’m sure she’s enjoying this along with her sycophant the Maestro.


Depending on how lightly or harshly she was whacking could she have intended to set a rhythm?


It could only be me tomorrow if I used punishment to train my horses. I don’t, so pretty sure I’d not make any headlines. Doesn’t help anything to use a fallacious argument to shut people up.


You need to go and refresh your outlook by reading all the threads about safe sport.

You accuse people on this thread of piling on CDJ and yet here you are piling on someone not much more than a child. Please, grow some empathy. That teen could be considered as much of a victim as the horse.


At times, I wonder if the modern world’s views on animal welfare are antithetical to what it takes to produce an UL horse. I am not condoning either - just observing that despite best intentions, there’s a curve relationship between genuine welfare and competitiveness.

I think to the average viewer, even a perfectly timed Pi/Pa training session would be distressful. I am also reserving judgment until the video is released.


I get it. But it still doesn’t eliminate the fact that the rider is the person responsible to speak up for the welfare of the horse.

I teach engineering at a university. I find that women seem to have a problem standing up for their opinions. I am just pointing out that women need grow a spine…or as Sheryl Sandberg once said women need to “lean in” to assert themselves


Wondering if it was the Dressage Hub woman (name escapes me) who provided the video.

Not to turn the conversation on its head but I don’t see this in my life at all – women are plenty capable of standing up for their opinions… however, the personal cost for them to do so is much higher…


Omg the “lean in”(definitely I will NOT listen to Sheryl Sandberg). Many women do this sport because they love horses (emotional). They trust their trainer (who they assume is correct and worthy to be trusted, whether by their show results or their friend recommending them (or other). They want to do whats right and believe their trainer can be trusted. Btw, their trainer is a silver medalist. They must know more than them. This ride is not going well, it must be them, the rider causing issues, they should listen to the trainer. The coach must know what they are doing since they are accomplished at ***** level. Right? Man, I’m just an amateur, I don’t know much……THIS IS REALITY. Education is the best way. How many people on this board have posted about their circumstances, with posters being like “get out of there, trainer is clueless, etc”…this is a unique sport. I have dealt with BNT trainers (Olympians) and I have seen this happen over and over again. Educate and support people!! Don’t blame them for not speaking up sooner!


I am just giving you my opinion of teaching men and women in an engineering school. The guys just stand up and tell me their opinions. The women start with an apology then meekly state their case.

This is an observation. A case study of one person (me) teaching 20-year olds.


Anyone can hire a lawyer…and clearly the lawyer is acting for someone, the mysterious “sponsor”.


The Dressage Hub woman would be SW, who, I’m sure, is enjoying all of this even if she isn’t the person who provided the video.


And thus my point…grow a spine. Have confidence in your opinions. This is what I teach in my classes. To both men and women. Be prepared to get fired from your job if your opinion clashes with the boss. I use the space shuttle Challenger disaster and how Roger Boisjoly was fired and Alan McDonald became a pariah. Bottom line…be prepared to stand by your opinions.


If only it were so easy as to say “grow a spine”. It reminds me of my BNT saying “just do this, why can you do this??” instead of figuring out a different way to reach me. For people who advocate this philosophy, there is a narrow audience for your message. And that you are not great of a teacher/instructor if you can’t think beyond this message to reach different students.


I don’t see how anyone could have much of an informed opinion on this when nobody posting has seen the video.


Thank you!!!

It seems we have guilt by affirmation of social media. I hope people still consider the concept of “due process” as valid.