Charlotte withdrawing from Olympics?

well, not for nothing but wasn’t there a lot of rumors flying around that were hush-hush about how she trains horses behind the scenes. I didn’t think the reputation was always roses and butterflies.


I said this in the other thread- it’s certainly telling about the impact of social media that one of the greatest athletes in the sport would make this decision based on a potentially viral video.


Why would you wait 4 years to share the video? Not condoning any bad treatment of the horse, but this seems to be personal. Again, not condoning any bad treatment.


Maybe nothing was being done so they threatened media or something so FEI went forward to CDJ?

Doesn’t sound good. Always heard rumours but didn’t believe it :frowning:

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To take out the competition


4 years is a long time to allow a rider to evolve. I will wait to see what comes of it, but sad to withdraw from the Olympics for their country because of a video.

I think back in the day we accepted certain behaviours more than we do now. Riders have evolved, so something from 4 years ago feels irrelevant to me. She could have changed, we don’t know.


Buried the lede

“She is hitting a hose repeatedly on the legs as they try to get it to do a better ‘piaffe’ – the slow-motion trot,” the insider said. “Someone else is riding the horse.


but ‘hitting’? could be anything from a tap to a lash. If it is by a PETA person… although if it was PETA, they would never have waited 4 years.


Waiting until right before the Olympics guarantees a lot of attention though.


Yes. Tapping doesn’t seem like that big an issue. One trainer and I fooled around with passage on Feronia, and yes, gentle taps with the whip were used. It didn’t take long for her to figure it out. I’m not saying anything of beauty was obtained, but it was fun.


I am so very disappointed in this whole thing. I wonder how this will affect her partnership with Carl Hester.

FEI Announces Provisional Suspension of Dressage Athlete Charlotte Dujardin (


Agreed tapping doesn’t seem like a big issue but different horses react differently to a whip on the hind legs. Some are sensitive, some are…not.


THIS ^^ times a thousand. I am furious about this. I think Charlotte is being wonderful in her actions and ownership of it. If the person reporting this NOW to the FEI is so concerned, where were they four years ago? Why didn’t they say something directly to Charlotte at the time it happened? It absolutely reeks of politics.

Until I see this video, I will reserve judgment as to whether what she did or taught was “abuse.” If it is in reference to telling people (that clinic was here local to me) to kick their horse forward, well that’s not abuse. If you’ve never ridden a horse that’s intentionally behind your leg, then you are fortunate. I have, and will again, kick a sluggish horse forward. It’s better than hammering on them with a whip, or stabbing them with spurs.


In what circles did these rumors exist? I’ve never seen anything like that said, anywhere online or in live conversation with CDI judges and riders, or participants & auditors in her clinics. Never until reading your comment just now.

But I acknowledge I am not in the UK so I’m far removed from very many people who’ve seen her train day to day or ridden with her regularly.


Another thing: the tapping to play with passage was done during the winter. We’re in New England, so no flies in the winter. Feronia stomped like she would if a fly landed on her leg a few times. I truly think she was confused.


I agree with you and find it hard to believe that just kicking her horse forward occasionally warrants withdrawing from the Olympics! I thought there were a lot of positives to her clinic as you mentioned. I had to kick many a school horse to get it going.


Maybe its a jealous competitor. If they really thought this was such bad treatment, they should have brought it to the attention of the FEI four years ago.


Yes, because you’ve taught SO many horses to piaffe. :roll_eyes:


4 years ago….thats insane. They weren’t concerned when it happened, only now……figures.

No judgement until video is public.