Charlotte withdrawing from Olympics?

Interesting read,education&webview=1&dialog=1&viewport=natural&visibilityState=prerender&prerenderSize=1&


My thoughts on the piece I copied/pasted above by Ethan Ronas Hill:

When I read this I imagine Iā€™m the one caught whipping a horse like thatā€¦
Would my bosses, the horse owners, etc really not fire me over this?
Would I get a reference for my next job, if other than this moment I showed up on time, did my job, etc?
Would they stop and ask the context first?
Actually suggest itā€™s ok cause someone elseā€™s saddle fits poorly or feeds their horse shizzle?

I donā€™t get it.
Whoā€™s bullying her by holding her accountable for her actions?


This really needed to be said. I agree that it seems to be a source of tension here, and a cause for people to fling about accusations of ā€œnormalizationā€ and ā€œjustification.ā€ I believe CD treated this horse with careless cruelty and unfairness, and also entirely failed at what should be every (horse)personā€™s primary responsibility of always keeping the welfare of the animal in the forefront of their mind. This is not undermined or minimized or normalized or whatever by the fact that at the same time I am uncomfortable and unhappy to see her being crucified for it (metaphorically, to be absolutely clear, as I understand there are no nails or crosses involved, sheesh).


Iā€™ve followed this story from the start.
Who is bullying her ?


When abusive behavior goes unpunished or is portrayed sympathetically, it communicates that such actions are excusable or justifiable in certain contexts.

If i have mistaken your posts please accept my apology. I certainly could have mixed up your post with a different one.

I feel, on this thread, that I am reading ,again and again, people sympathizing with CDs actions. There is NO acceptable excuse for her behaviour in my opinion.
When you, (g), compare violent actions as if one action is better than another action that is a way to make the action ā€œnormalā€. The whipping of a horse with a young woman in fear is not normal. Both animal and human here were abused.

The definition of sympathizing I am using is from the dictionary - agree with a sentiment or opinion.

I am not reading about CD on social media. Just what has been posted here.
I do not believe CD should be receiving death threats or be threatened by people. I am hopeful that her PR team is keeping those posts away from here.


Thank you for finding and posting this. Some excerpts that stuck out to me:

ā€œ Sixth, it helps to separate problem identification from problem solution. In other words, instead of reacting to behavior in the moment, observe and remember it. Then sit down later that day and think rationally about how to address it. Come back tomorrow and attempt a solution.ā€

Many of us do this in our jobs every day (ā€œthis is a tomorrow problem, not a today problem.ā€) - why wouldnā€™t we apply it to working with our horses? This type of thinking prevents us from getting caught in the pressure trap of solving the problem immediately and hurting the horse.

ā€œ Why do these things happen?

Because sometimes the human prefrontal cortex fails. It takes over in an effort to achieve training goals at any cost, then gets tired and canā€™t generate all the options.ā€

A good reminder that we are all capable of failing in the same manner as CDJ. Someone mentioned that many people are experiencing grief. This is the grief we experience when we idolize another human and feel let down by them. Humans fail. And itā€™s devastating when youā€™ve made someone out to be greater than human.


I have compared no actions.

I simply held space for Charlotte to BOTH have committed abuse and be redeemable.

I accept your apology - it is hard to distinguish both who is saying what on this thread and how they are saying it. Sadly, the form of the BB sometimes makes that tough. Not that this isnā€™t a place I love!


And so is a bloody spur hole, which CD was already eliminated for on MSJ Freestyle.


Stefan Peters was also eliminated for a cut on his horse caused by a spur at one fairly high level competition.


Yep. And some never got caught.

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There are so many instances if you want to tally them up, that there is a deep and serious problem at that level. The pressure to achieve is so great, the stakes are so high, and hubris so great, that the horses donā€™t stand a chance. Even if the horses are bred to move in an exaggarated way, the training is focused on enhancing that. That is why we are seeing bungees, weighted bell boots, whipping, tying down in any numbers of ways (and when it is done on 2-1/2 year olds it makes me puke) and other things that I canā€™t even bear to mention. The focus now is making them get to that level FASTER. How many of these elite riders go through many horses a year? What happens to all the young prospects that disappear? Then when the judges demand that we stop riding our cowhorses down centerline and mortgage the family home for a horse that wonā€™t make them bored, we have it in our own back yards. The tests are designed to showcase the gaits. Itā€™s become a spectacle. Horsemanship has the short end of the stick. The whole sport needs an overhaul. Putting the heads on a pike of the unlucky superstars who somehow get caught for ā€œa brief moment of poor judgmentā€ (OMG and said each time with a straight face) is not going to get change to happen. We need to go after the judges and the system that causes this. As long as the judges reward an open mouthed, tongue flapping, leg flinger they are going to have misuse of lunge whips, tie downs, bits, weighted bell boots and etc. I vote for suspending dressage for a year or so, firing all the judges, and hiring some of our still living masters to recraft the sport. Surely, we can find better stewards of the principles of dressage among us than those who are currently steering the ship.


Demanding that she lose her sponsors is holding her responsible. Calling her names and threatening her with violence is bullying. The latter is happening on social media.


Bullying requires a certain power dynamic. Random online folks trashing a celebrity for some publicly exposed action in the news is not really bullying in the same sense that a bunch of classmates ganging up on you either IRL or on snap chat is bullying. When you become a public figure, you reap the rewards of mass adulation and the perils of mass disenchantment.


ā€¦and it makes you no less human than anybody else.


Have you looked at her instagram? It says that she was not behind the camera and is not the whistleblower. It also says that their business relationship ended after ā€œthe lesson,ā€ so I am assuming that she did witness it and disapproved.


Amongst all of this, letā€™s remember how good, kind and tolerant horses are to our (g) demands - hereā€™s the grey who carried the ā€œrobotā€ (?) through the chaos of the Olympic opening ceremony in Paris last night, amongst explosions, fireworks and flames with hundreds of thousands of people cheering in the pouring rain IN A SNAFFLE. Horses are good, and we are so very lucky to have the privilege of partnering with them in our lives, we (g) need to be better - or weā€™re going to lose the lot to the AR nutters.



Very good horse!

Thatā€™s not a robot though, that is Arno Dorian from Assassinā€™s Creed (a very popular video game). The game is set in revolutionary Paris, so a very cool nod to the younger generation to have Arno included. Having travelled with gamers, I was flabbergasted at the amount of knowledge about architecture, famous sites etc. they picked up from gaming ā€¦ including being told we have to go check out this and that as it looks great in the game. They were right!


Ok then thatā€™s the disconnect as Iā€™m not seeing that at all.

So the comments directed at the person who videotaped and released this, questioning their motive, is also bullying and inappropriate?


That was World Cup 2015, right? I always found that surprising because he was wearing such teeny tiny spurs.

The blood rule is objective and important, but Iā€™d like to see some sort of points deduction for aggressive spurring. Hard to define, but if we can define what is excessive whipping, we should be able to define excessive spurring.


Robot??? How about giving credit for an exceptionally well trained horse.

Have you ever seen what training of police horses looks like? They are trained to keep their cool while exposed to gun fire, explosions, charging rioters, fire, projectiles and stones being throwed at themā€¦

The trainers of GP dressage horses who canā€™t stand still at a halt in a monastically quiet perfectly groomed arena should be ashamed.