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Check Out Old Glory!!!

“and the flag was still there”

Fly your colors- whatever they may be

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Some Middle Easterner had the nerve to drive onto a jobsite where my fiance was pouring concrete… he was driving an ice cream truck and had an American Flag in his window… WITH THE CIRCLE/SLASH SYMBOL THROUGH IT!!! Dwayne said the next thing he saw was sledge hammers going through the side of the truck. The guy finally escaped but a few blocks down his truck had been rolled over. How can anyone be so retarded? Did he really think that people would buy anything from him? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have to agree with Janet. While what this guy did wreeks of stupidity, what happened to him is inexcusable. Part of our freedom and what makes this country great is that we can say what we like as long as it doesn’t harm anyone. That’s what this guy was doing. In order to have those freedoms, it must include the freedom for the person (idiot though he may be) to protest all that which many of us would give our lives to defend. ALL freedoms must be protected because as soon as one is taken away, others will surely follow.

I do agree that I can’t understand why people stay in America if they clearly hate it and Americans. I too wish they would leave (as I stated in another thread)… but it is my right to say that and to wish that just as it is theirs to say as they please. Makes for an interesting country, eh?

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!