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Chemical reactions and glued on shoes

My farrier has moved my horses to glued on shoes – long story. My question is this: will products such as Magic Cushion interact negatively with the glue? I understand that I’m to avoid too much exposure to water but I wasn’t sure about poultices and other preparations.

Hmm…it seems possible. Certainly you don’t want any residue from the MC on the foot when the shoe is applied. Afterward, I have no idea whether the MC may degrade the glue or not. I would contact the manufacturer of the adhesive to get their suggestions.

Considering the cost of glue on shoes, it’s not something I would want to test, personally. Can you send the MSDS for the glue to the Magic Cushion people and ask them?

Whenever I’ve used glue ons, the bottom of the foot has been inaccessible as the farrier has always also used equipak.

Considering the cost of glue on shoes, it’s not something I would want to test, personally. Can you send the MSDS for the glue to the Magic Cushion people and ask them?

Whenever I’ve used glue ons, the bottom of the foot has been inaccessible as the farrier has always also used equipak.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree with this. When my mare had glue-ons the farrier also used equipak so you couldn’t get to the sole at all. Those shoes aren’t cheap so before I’d try adding something I’d check with the manufacturer first and the farrier too.