Chicken Dressage Show

What a fun idea! A farm in Maryland is running a “chicken dressage show”.

The entry form is hilarious! There have been several times in my life I would have really appreciated a show like this :slight_smile:

Here’s my favorite part:
Concessions: You may have your coach talk you through your test, call your test, or walk with you during your test in the chicken division. You may request private warm-up in the ring before your ride if your horse can’t handle warming up with others. You can cry. You may bring your horses’ emotional support horse with them to stand ringside. No dogs.


Love this!

I was thinking it was going to be actual chickens. :chicken: :rofl:

I love this.


Me too! I was remembering “Pigeon Dressage” from the spring of 2020, when Covid was making all the locked-down creatives a little punchy.

Reading the entry form, I heart this so much! If the Goober and I weren’t transport-less, I would do this in a heartbeat! This is just the sort of field trip we need.


Yes, I wanted to know how they trained them to go to the right place.

This show is brilliant. I hope they get a good turn out.


I love this! If I had a trailer I would attend and support.


I also thought of actual chickens. :rooster: Now I’m picturing horses and riders in chicken costumes.:joy:


“You can cry” :grin:
This sounds like so much fun, wish I could go.


Sounds like they encourage chicken themed costumes!

They’re local to me! And I could definitely benefit from some of the chicken concessions they offer (I am pretty sure a warm up arena would blow my guy’s brain, so I would absolutely request private warm up), but I already have other horse related plans next weekend…

I hope it’s successful and they do more shows like this, because I am very interested

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The first show I went to after getting back into riding as an adult had two very low height jumping classes. The “Chicken Little” jumps were 12 inches, the “Henny Penny” jumps were 18 inches. I begged (in a very dignified and mature adult manner :laughing:) to start off in the Chicken Little jumpers, but my trainer absolutely refused and “made” me ride in the Henny Penny jumpers instead.

My first words upon exiting the arena were, “I DIDN’T DIE!!!” Because I wasn’t entirely certain that I wouldn’t. :grinning:

A Chicken dressage show sounds right up my alley.


I remember seeing posts about their first chicken show back in the spring (since let’s be real I am their target audience :joy:), so hopefully they’ll keep them going! I think this is such a great idea and looks like so much fun, I wish it was just a little bit closer to me!

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Raise your hand if you’ve had some sort of shaming moment at a horse show. :raising_hand_woman:

I’ve been “complaining,” for lack of a better word, to anyone that will listen that we need more truly fun horse events for adults. This summer I did an adult summer camp. It was a blast. But I still enjoy showing and competition, too. I just don’t like it when other people ruin it for me.


I love this!! I would show here.

“Special requests because my horse is stupid:”

That cracked me up. Haha.

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