Children's Book: Bellfarm Star, the Story of a Pacer

Has anybody read this? I found it in a garage sale for next to nothing. I’m familiar with the author, S P Meek, who wrote a bunch of dog stories and also Frog, the Horse That Knew No Master, but I’d never heard of this one.

The first thing that jumped out at me is that the subtitle calls him a pacer, but the horse on the jacket illustration is trotting. Not necessarily an author error, that, so I’ll forgive if not much is added wrong in the text.

I’ve only read a few chapters, but I’m enjoying it so far, and it seems different from his other books. Most of the others I’ve read were chapter episodes, like your 30 minutes of this week’s adventure with the dog (horse), and then you tune in next week for another separate one. This is obviously a connected and extended story that will presumably travel through the entire book. More backstory than usual for him.

Anyway, just wondered if anyone else was familiar with this, if you all enjoyed it, and if it is relatively correct on horse details. I’m not familiar with much about harness racing, though I can spot a trotter directly underneath a subtitle calling him a pacer.

I have concluded already, based on ABE books pricing, that I got a heck of a deal. This goes in the $100ish range there.

I remember Frog, the Horse That Knew No Master. I haven’t thought about that book in 50 years!

(Sorry, don’t know anything about the book you’re reading.)

I read it…um…some 5oish years ago. Part of our local library. Don’t remember much, sorry, but I collect children’s “horsey” books.

I’m still considering whether to buy a book I saw yesterday at the second-hand store. Not really a “horse” story, but it’s about a young boy, takes place on a ranch, and is illustrated by Wesley Dennis.

(Off to see if I have the above book, above.)

The cover might sort of make sense, though putting that illustration right below that subtitle is misleading.

The colt was supposed to be a trotter but never really caught on and kept breaking, was only finishing 3rd and 4th at low level tracks. The old wise groom finally noticed that every time he broke, he paced for a stride or two before galloping, so he suggested trying to make him pace. Colt took to it immediately. So he did actually race at a trot as shown on the jacket.

It’s an enjoyable story but definitely not this author’s usual. One connected story arc, not those stand-alone episodic chapters author usually writes. A little stereotypical but is handled well, and author does seem to know the horse details. The farm is down on their luck (of course) and has the one colt due who is their last chance (of course). Older brother, owner of colt, gets drafted and goes off to Korea, and little brother promises to take care of colt when born for him. Older brother plans to drive him in the Hambletonian when he comes back from Korea. But older brother goes MIA. Patriarch of the farm is devastated and loses hope. Little brother insists older brother isn’t dead and redoubles efforts to have colt ready for him and Hambletonian. Colt breaks a leg (of course) but is saved; that only took a chapter or two. I give him credit for not overplaying that plot element. When colt is old enough, he gets sent to a trainer (give the author credit also for not pulling the trained in the backyard by a kid by love with no help from the experts plot line). But colt doesn’t do well racing at 2 as a trotter.

As a pacer, he’s much better at once, though there is still a learning curve for colt and kid, who is driving him. (Credit to the author for not making them immediate world beaters who break the track record and score by 20 lengths at all races once the colt is “understood.”) He finishes out his 2yo season and goes into his 3yo season as a pacer. He is entered in the Little Brown Jug and wins it in three heats. And who should turn up in the winner’s circle but MIA older brother? (Of course)

For all the often-done plot elements here and there, this is well written and enjoyable reading, and it is truly about horses. Not about social life or boy/girlfriends or such. It’s about horses. I’ll definitely be keeping it.