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Christmas Present?

I’m not sure whether or not I’m obligated to/should get a Christmas present for my boss. I’m a barn manager, she’s the barn owner. I’ve only been working here for 2 months. I believe she will be getting me (as well as the other employees) gifts, and an email was sent out to boarders and clients that suggested they give small gifts or tips to the staff as a thank you for their hard work. It’s my first time in a barn such as this, and I’m not sure what’s expected. I don’t know her well yet and don’t have a clue what to get her if I do need to be getting her something. Frankly I’m absolutely awful at gift giving to begin with (I come from a family that does not do Christmas and so I don’t have a ton of practice honestly). So a) is it expected? B) is it expected that I give a gift to anyone else (other staff members who work under me etc)? C) if it’s expected, what do I give??? Sorry y’all, I’m lost.

Under the social principal of reciprocity, I think you kind of have to give her something in return. As she is the BO and boss, your gift doesn’t have to be equal value to hers. IMO

If there is anything she might appreciate for her horse that is not quite a usual thing people buy on their own, that would be nice.

Otherwise I’d suggest a generic consumable - candles or commercially-produced gift food. People frequently don’t use these, but they don’t have to show anyone that they kept it, either.

IMO anything that is an object for display is not likely to match the giftee’s tastes. Cute signs, figurines, dishtowels - imo those get a polite comment, but most people don’t want them.

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I don’t think there’s any obligation to give one’s boss any kind of gift. Especially if you have only been there two months.

If you’re feeling like! you want to do something for your staff bring coffee and donuts/cookies or order pizza for lunch one day. Christmas cards with an individual thanks for your hard work note would be a personal touch.

Are you also boarding your horse there? If yes, for how long have you been a boarder?


In a business environment, gifting should only flow down. Bosses/Managers can choose to buy gifts for their subordinates or pay bonuses (or not). Subordinates should not gift upwards to their boss/manager.

When gifts do flow upward, they should be small and non-personal. In some places all employees pool a few dollars each to buy one gift.

That said, barns don’t always follow general customs. You should ask other people at your level or below you what has happened in past years. If everyone buys her something, get some treats for her horse or a holiday mug or something else small and write a nice note.


Can you ask the other barn employees what is typical there?

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In your place I would buy a value pack of Christmas themed chocolates and give them out to everyone, BO included. It’s a small gesture but one of those instances where it’s the though that counts.


Make a batch of cookies for everyone for coffee break.


If you must buy for everyone - bags of carrots for the horses or homemade horse cookies (you only have to give a handful of those to each person.) For the boss, a nice picture frame.

The cookies for coffee break are a great idea. And hey @OverandOnward what’s wrong with dishtowels? I love dishtowels. :laughing:


I like dish towels too.

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Personally I like the ideas of Christmas cards with individualized thank yous- budget friendly and a nice personal touch, a small token of appreciation. And the pizza lunch, or coffee and donuts. It’s hard to go wrong with food!

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Homemade horse treats for all and a simple note. haha. You may not know the people, but I bet you know the horses. I do this at my work…I gift the animals and the people love it.

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well that email would go into my spam file, sorry

“Gift” is defined as “a thing given willingly to someone without payment”

If BO wants this to occur just add a line in the contract that collects the “gift” each month as an obligation. The whole concept of the process of obligatory gifting makes the “gift” is meaningless


when we did have a horse who was boarded at her training farm, we had our horse through out the year buy her groom and the others lunches … horse was a softy who appreciated her great care (and the fact she had her own credit card which she used) she would often buy lunch for the staff

and I would send Her Groom a monthly stipend

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You are not obligated especially since you probably don’t make much. I think it depends on the relationship you have with your boss. Are you becoming friends? I always got the BO ( my boss) a gift when I worked there ( and after) but he was a father type figure to me and way more than a boss.

If nothing else do some homemade cookies or something like a subway gift card for the cost of a meal.

None of my horses like cookies…

:laughing: I’m sending you the ones I got for Christmas. :crazy_face: For me they are uninteresting, wrong size, etc. The giver is a wonderful person and I don’t know if she’ll ever be in the house again, so I’m not quite ready to make them into tack cleaning rags that she might see.

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I baked a batch of cookies for the barn staff when I boarded there briefly. They (the cookies) went over really well.

I completely agree with this. This would rub me the wrong way. Even if I originally wanted to give the gifts, this note would almost make me not want to do it. Let folks make up their own minds on whether they wish to gift or not.

I could not even come close to having time to make homemade horse treats or bake yet another batch of f’ing cookies (and I love to bake, and I love cookies). And certainly not individually wrap them (or go out and f’ing buy individual cute pretty holiday treat bags).

My BO is getting a bottle of wine. Done. The wine willst not be homemade, nor wilt it be wrapped in even the most elegant of dishtowels. They can use some obliging pony’s grimy face towel to wipe up any spills. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think you are obligated to gift the rest of the barn staff. If you feel pressured, maybe give everyone an apple-scented car-scent-thingy, or an apple-scented mini- candle and a quick label saying, “It’s great working with you, Susie” or whatever. But frankly, I wouldn’t even go down that road.



Back to the original topic. I don’t give the BO any Christmas present. One year I gave the BM $50. He never acknowledged it, let alone thanked me, so that was a one and done. I give “the guys”, the ones who feed, clean, turnout, etc. cash gifts. I don’t know and don’t care what other boarders do.

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This thread is 2 years old.

If anyone is still interested, maybe start a new one?