So, I’ve got an aging gelding that has come off half lease a few months ago so I am back to riding him full time.
This horse has always had chronic back pain - hence the reason why he was half leased out as I didn’t want to keep competing him and riding him so hard (added bonus that his leaser is shorter and weighs less than me!).
Now that winter is beginning to ease up and he’s off lease, I am considering pulling his hind shoes. He’s not competing anymore anyways, and it would save me some money. Plus, now that he isn’t leased I’m ok with him needing a bit of an adjustment period.
However! This horse has always had this back pain, and I am concerned that pulling the shoes will make it worse, which is leading me down the rabbit hole once more of “what is causing this pain?” I figured if he is NPA in his hind feet it could be contributing, so I am going to take some rads before changing his shoes.
But if he isn’t NPA, what else could be causing this? Any ideas? Could pulling his hind shoes really make his back pain worse? Here’s what I’ve tried/noticed thus far:
-Saddle fit evaluated regularly
-Palpates sore when in work and out of work, so riding doesn’t seem to cause it
-back rads taken, no kissing spine
-mild neck arthritis in C6/C7 (updated rads after 5 years with no changes, he has no neuro symptoms and does carrot stretches well)
-hock arthritis (injections every 9 ish months)
-palpates a bit sore around SI, done injections previously with no improvement
-scoped & treated for gastric ulcers
I’m sure the arthritis in general is contributing some, but during his last vet checkup a couple months ago my vet said he looked great, he stretches really well, has awesome range of motion so I am not totally convinced that’s entirely the cause. Are there any other obvious things I could be missing, or have I checked off all the major boxes?