Chronic foot issues- neuroma pain and riding.

Hello all. My story is long so I’ll summarize:

I have bunions. Two surgeries each foot. Left foot had a fusion fail last year. Healed now. Morton’s neuromas have surfaced and injections and met pads not working. Horrible pain while walking and cannot ride effectively (have jumper mare). Decided to have second to shortened and neuroma removed July 13. Textbook recovery but… still in pain, frankly worse than before surgery. Had another neuroma that was not removed so that was injected 5 days ago. Relief but foot still awfully sore.

So I need help figuring out if I just need to wait because things aren’t healed or happy. Or get another doctor? Have the new neuroma removed?

Im just so depressed. I’m still putting my big boot thingy on to do chores or work. Ugh. Help.

You will not like my answer. I have had bad feet for many years.
I have an awesome podiatrist. He is anti surgery, and will only resort to it when all other methods fail.
I have a mortons neuroma, very seldom flares at all anymore.
I have had a bunion on my right big toe bone, for years. it is fused. cannot spread that toe. But it never hurts.
I also have the worlds flattest feet. I had him make me custom orthotics several years ago, and it made a huge difference. I never wear tight fitting shoes, soft tennies only. and wide shoes. My Paddock boots are ariats, older ones, and if I wear them too long they can cause the neuroma to flare.
Up until this year I never went barefoot, not even in the house, bought a pair of slippers that were very supportive,
Truthfully I know many people who had far more problems with the surgery than without.
You asked. Good luck. :yes:

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Well the surgery train left the building when I was 10 and 11-- I had full blown bunions with crossed toes at the point so mine aren’t run of the mill. I need custom orthotics for sure and will inquire about them today. I have very high arches. I’m convinced my long second toe is the culprit right now, putting so much pressure on my mets. My left leg is shorter than my right so again, more pressure on it. I do a ton of walking in my job(s) so this is just the pits! Thanks for the input and I hope your feet stay happy!

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Have you heard about Airrosti?

Very painful procedure, but it’s helped me a lot for a few different things, including with foot pain from a previous (years ago) operation.

Had six months of twice-weekly PT after (I was diligent about doing the assigned exercises), but it’s never really been the same, although not in the league of pain you’re experiencing. I was warned it would take several months for the swelling to subside, which it did, so you’re in the early days yet. I was able to successfully return to riding.

The Airrosti, coupled with the associated rehab therapy and exercises, has made a noticeable improvement.

By the way, I also have high arches, I was in great shape going into my foot surgery (knew it was coming, so worked out with a personal trainer for months ahead of time, since I’d be off for quite a while afterwards) which may have helped my recovery, and there are shoe styles I no longer wear – nothing where an edge cuts across the scar, for instance, and no very high heels. Clogs, boots, and European-style comfort sandals are my favored footwear. With the Airrosti, for the first few days after treatment, I’m most comfortable in my Ariat Devon Pros.

Best wishes that your pain decreases and your mobility improves.

I have bad bunions on my big toe joint, both feet. My feet are flat. Very, very narrow heels. After years of standing on my feet (in agony) as an instructor, I went to my orthopedic surgeon and they made me custom orthotics from foot impressions. They were the bomb! When they finally wore out and started to crack, I went with off the shelf ones. I use SuperFeet.

Now, with any shoe insert you may find that some of your favorite paddock or tall boots or even muck boots are too tight on the TOP of your foot. Sometimes removing the bottom liner in your current shoes can work, sometimes it doesn’t. I wasn’t in a position to replace my custom Vogel dress boots, so I’d put them on right before riding in a class, then switch to tennis shoes or muck boots immediately after the class. That, of course, is not ideal. Other things like paddock boots and muck boots, I just went to a “wide” instead of narrow and/or went up a half size to accommodate the insert.

I wish you luck and hope that the inserts work for you.

Had appointment with podiatrist today as my final follow up from surgery on July 13. The new neuroma is very active, foot sore. He changed my met pad size and location slightly. I’ve walked around for two hours. Agony. Burning, stinging, stabbing pain. Going to ice and take anti inflammatory meds. We talked about a second surgery to remove the new neuroma. It’s a quick one but I just am so sick of surgery. I’m sure my insurance company loathes me. I’ve racked up more than $250,000 in medical bills since April. Seriously. I’m just so depressed.

I already use Super Feet inserts and they help but not enough anymore. Have great, wide toe box shoes too. I’m at my wits end.

This can be such a struggle. I’m really sorry you are at this point. I just went to my orthopedist yesterday and was diagnosed with peroneal tendinitis. I’ve had stress fractures in my metatarsals and have foot pain for a long time. It really becomes a way of life. I have no advice, but just sending you good wishes

You mentioned injections so they are probably the same thing but my mother has these and her podiatrist injected her with rubbing alcohol - same thing they do to numb QH tails… It worked intermitently for her - she would get injected monthly for 3 months and then be fine for about 2 years. Hers were not nearly as bad as yours. So if you haven’t had that particular injection, perhaps it could help. It sounds miserable. :frowning: