"Chronicle Headlines" and "Most Popular" not updating content?

Since about the time of the hack, the sets of articles on the right side of the Forum pages has not been updating. I still have the same 13 rotating photos/links and the same 5 articles as I had days ago.

I am on a Mac with Safari.

All functions seem to be working, just not updating as it should. Have restarted computer and browser.

I don’t pay attention to those, but looking at the dates on some of those, it seems that they quit updating on September 23?

Odd …

I also am on a Mac and Safari.

MsM reported the same thing a couple threads below…

Might be as simple as IT resources are going into shoring up security after the breach, or the guy who updates those is on vacation? 🤷

I’ll tag @Moderator 1 in case they haven’t seen this yet…

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the Quick Links on the left side also got shuffled, the order was altered .

I sent a heads up into the main office in this one. Thanks!

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For a second that read like “mafia office”, oops!

Thank you for taking care of one more little bump on the system.

Just thought I’d add the following information.

I updated my Safari to the latest version and the symptoms persist.

When I click on the Chronicle of the Horse masthead at the top of the page, I arrive at a rotating display of the recent articles (same ones that should be in “Chronicle Headlines” on the Forum pages). The “Most Popular” display on the Masthead-linked page also is updated to current stories, unlike on the Forum pages.

Go figure. Thanks to whomever is checking on this.

Ditto, my Mac laptop had a big Apple update yesterday and nothing here changed.

Hope that helps.

Still not updated. Also when I went to blogs, my antivirus program blocked it as dangerous. Now, it is sometimes oversensitive, but has never blocked COTH before.

Finally seems to be fixed this morning. Thank you!

Yep, now the right side of the page is working again, those news bites current again.
