Classic Broken Arm Story

Oxycontin has been removed from the shelves in Canada (due to too many addicts) and cannot be prescribed by doctors any longer. Last year, my DD and her friend were riding bareback on DD’s mare when she spooked and took a side step. Both fell off and friend landed on frozen ground and broke her humerus at the shoulder! xrays (not well done the first time), etc. but she never needed surgery either. She was prescribed oxycontin at the time but could not take them. She was so surprised to have so many people tell her “they would take it” if she wanted to give them to her… she returned them to the pharmacy! People who you would have never thought would be in pain or anything (and they were not), but there is/was such trafficking with that drug…[/QUOTE]

It’s highly addictive, that’s why.

That sling looks nice! Wish I knew about that when I broke my shoulder in 2001 (broke the humerus right below the head). I also didn’t need surgery, but beware that has its own issues- like not being able to move your arm at all for many weeks, and having all the muscles freeze up and atrophy. During PT, don’t forget to work your entire torso on that side- that was neglected during my rehab and I paid the price with my back not being happy for some time because of the imbalance L to R. I obliterated my elbow in 2009 requiring massive reconstruction. The shoulder was still the toughest injury and rehab to date.

Sleeping was the hardest! I remember what helped the most when in bed was piling pillows on the side of the fractured arm and resting it that way (good thing hubby and I have a king size bed!). Pillows that have all the little beads are good b/c they provide some support while still being very maneuverable.

Hope healing is going well.

WOOHOO! I went to the orthopaedist…it’s healing. Lots of calculis at the break site. Doc said I can drive and go back to work…tomorrow’s the first day. Sleep still is a challenge, I think I’ve tried every chair/couch in the place. Those sleep aids don’t help. Sprained my left wrist doing too much with it…oh well.

So, lots of physical therapy by myself and just being a little paranoid about falling.

I just saw this Trakehner, so sorry. My first thought however, was whether or not you had on your pink underwear…sorry just a little chuckle.

I broke my arm at the shoulder socket many years ago at Snowbird. I just got a sling as well. Hope it heals up soon.

[QUOTE=stolen virtue;6768997]
I just saw this Trakehner, so sorry. My first thought however, was whether or not you had on your pink underwear…sorry just a little chuckle.[/QUOTE]

Nope, I learned, finally, how to do laundry.

They never do :(. AND when you ask, they treat you like a junkie. Its ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

i really wish I had thought of this… current situation i’ve had a tension headache for about a week or so to varing degrees from clenching my jaw from the pain.

Just saw this, wish I saw it a month or two ago! I fell off because of a spook and bolt on September 20. Sigh. Broken humerus, fractured elbow. I also had the sling, then a brace thingie. Sleeping was the worst.thing.ever. I have been in PT since December. I am very much back to normal. Hang in there!!! It does get better. I am 48yrs old, and didnt heal too quickly, but definately healed.

Four weeks ago tomorrow I flew off my bolting mare and into the wall of an indoor – in retrospect I know I’m probably really lucky to have broken only my humerus, which snapped in two at midshaft and was horrifically displaced but didn’t pierce the skin. (Trakehner, I cannot even imagine how you managed to get up off the ground, much less walk around and then drive yourself to the hospital! I did the same once with a T-11 compression fracture, but that was a picnic compared to the humerus fx.)

Had my first-ever ride in an ambulance, waited around in the ER till the docs determined I was right about not having any head or spinal injury, then eventually got fitted with a clamshell splint and was allowed to go home. The ER ortho neglected to put on a stockinette sleeve under the splint, so a week later when my regular ortho took it off to adjust it, I had a lovely pair of large, deep, and suppurating pressure sores.

The last month has been something of a housebound, narcotized blur. The alignment looks good but there’s no callus yet. The specialist I consulted yesterday said he wouldn’t necessarily expect to see a callus for another few weeks. Meanwhile, I’m still in what seems like an absurd amount of pain and discomfort.

How are you guys progressing with your broken wings? Have to say I’m feeling pretty discouraged. I’ve read that this injury can sometimes take up to a year to heal properly…

I had the exact same injury when I was 5. My fracture was near the shoulder joint, so up high. They slinged it, no pain meds, and it was fine. The only issue I had, and how my parents realized something was wrong, was when I went to take off my shirt to bathe. My arm would just fall back down to my side and I couldn’t hold it up.

Hope you feel better soon.


April Fool’s day will be one year since I broke my humerus (I can tell you the event itself however, was no joke :slight_smile: )

My break sounds very similar to yours but I had surgery…plate and 7 screws. Because of this I was able to start using my arm in small ways much earlier in the process which I think helped me recover.

I was technically cleared to ride at the end of June although I had hopped on some horses 2-3 weeks before that just to walk and trot around. I can say I did NOT feel ready to get on before that time, I just did not have the strength in my arm and was not comfortable riding with an arm that had less than 85% function…but that’s just me :slight_smile:

Since then I have been doing well. My elbow (which did not show damage on xrays, but took the brunt of the blow when I fell) gives me issues at times and there are certain movements that must not be “normal” that I will do and realize I have a bit of weakness, but all in all I feel like I’m close to 100%.

Now the confidence and mental part…I’ve made great strides this past month with a regular ride but it has definitely been a work in progress.

Good luck!

comingback, thanks for the inspiration and encouragement. In a way I’d’ve preferred to go the surgery route myself – I think having at least some sense of progress would make the sitting around and waiting for healing seem more bearable. My hand is numb but has full function – however, between my wrist and shoulder I’m incapable of any deliberate motion at all. I have to pick up my left wrist with my right hand to move it even an inch. It’s a very peculiar and frustrating feeling.

Luckily, I’ve got somebody keeping my other horses in work, and the mare I came off of in training. I expect it’s going to be a good long while before i feel physically able to get on anything again, and I know my confidence has taken almost as hard a hit as my arm. This one is going to be really hard to come back from.

Just take your time. I read a lot of stuff on the internet when I was laid up since I couldn’t do anything else (was surprised at how many people broke their humerus when arm wrestling??) and have read both good and bad stories from those who had surgery and those who just had the break splinted and/or in a sling. You just need to give it time and don’t rush it.

I had some issues with tingling/numbness in my wrist and thumb, but we think it was due to the radial nerve being irritated during surgery. What was weird to me was I didn’t realize the numbness until I touched my wrist with the fingers on my other hand while I was putting lotion on one day. After that I became a bit obsessed and was constantly feeling my wrist to determine if it was better or not :smiley:

I had testing done and there was no apparent nerve damage, it would come and go depending on what physical activity I had put my arm through, but it did resolve itself about 4 months out.

If you ever want any other details feel free to PM me. It is quite the unique (and at times trying) experience!