Classic Broken Arm Story

Saturday riding my horse bareback, some guinea hens fly up into him, he bucks, off I come…crunch…a broken humerus. Slowly get up, catch my horse while cradling arm and turn him out.

The classic part…barn is empty. i crawl into my car and drive 40 miles ti the “local” Kaiser.

Sigh…so far, no surgery is planned, have a boatload of oxycontin for pain (which I’m trying to not take)…no cast just sling…that seems weird but it’s the norm now I’m told.

Sigh…bad timing of course.

Ouch. Hope you heal quickly.

Bummer! I was a victim of a one of those birds too once. I was riding bareback on the trail and one flew out of a bush and spooked the crap out of my horse.

Luckily I landed on my well padded arse! I did have to hobble back to the barn on foot though. :wink:

Sorry about your arm.

Be sure if you have pain that cramps you, take something so you relax all those muscles there.

Take good care of that arm now and it will heal in no time.

I had a horse-related fall, too. The b/o asked me one Sunday if I could feed up so she could take off for the day. I did. I slipped on black ice when I got home and broke my humerus, just above the elbow, into 4 pieces. After a big operation and 3 days in the hospital, I now have 2 plates and 9 screws that hold it together. Didn’t ride for the better part of 4 weeks. Last time I ever filled in. Hope you have a comfortable and speedy recovery.

Those special ads on COTH pages are a hoot.:lol:

Reading thru this broken arm thread, the ad on the top banner is this:

—“The Ultimate Arm Sling®
Cotton spandex arm slings - great comfort and a perfect fit.”—


Ouch! Hope you heal well and quickly!

Sorry to hear of your fracture. Unplanned dismount last summer, fractured my tibia.Eight weeks on crutches. Seemed like forever at the time, but you will be fine soon I hope.

Yet another reason to hate guineas. Hope your arm heals quickly.

Be sure if you have pain that cramps you, take something so you relax all those muscles there.

Take good care of that arm now and it will heal in no time.[/QUOTE]

Bluey Is SO right about this. I always have to ask/tell them I want valium (the queen of all muscle relaxants) or I will be too tense to sleep when I am injured/fresh out of surgery. I have never been asked or offered anything but pain killers, which IMO are overrated.

I hate guniea fowl so much i cannot even spell it, feel better soon!

Ooh, feel better. I am the queen of the broken arm club with beautiful scars on both arms, both from horse accidents. First time, I didn’t listen to the doc and spent a huge amount of time trying to heal. Second time I listened to him, got my trainer to ride my horse (instead of riding with my arm in a cast/sling combo post surgery), and healed much quicker). Not sure if those two correlate, but it can’t hurt. Although I did go back to riding a bit earlier than he wanted, but he did say I was cleard to resume normal activity :). But anyways, best of luck to you in your surgery and recovery. And keep that swelling down! It’s a killer.

The sling is turning out to be the killer…I’d swear they lined it with sandpaper!

Thanks for the good wishes…sure glad I have a bunch of sick leave.

Count me in with the broken arm (and leg) crew. All horse related and I’m too embarrassed to recount the stories. Back to riding after the arm accident, but still finishing up the OT rehab and trying to get the last bits of the scars to heal over (accident was in the beginning of September).

I wish someone had suggested the Valium post-surgery, though! That would have been a BIG help, especially when the pain meds were doing so little!

I broke my elbow many years ago at work walking through the truck shop talking to someone in the back of a truck, tripped over a wire I had seen and thought I was past. After rolling on the floor I called my MIL to bring me a clean shirt because I had a college class that night.

She arrived and told me I could not go to school as my elbow was blue and swollen to the size of a softball. Off I go to the doctor’s office and the nurse said they would wait on me.

I drove a stick shift which is fun one armed. Also, my door had been sticking but I would pull the handle with one arm then hit it with my left arm to get out. Left arm is the one that is hurt, I am stuck in my car. I finally crawl out the other side and luckily the nurses had told the doctor to stay a few more minutes.

No cast and for a few days I would have to put it back in place if I accidently moved it.

Count me in with the broken arm (and leg) crew. All horse related and I’m too embarrassed to recount the stories. Back to riding after the arm accident, but still finishing up the OT rehab and trying to get the last bits of the scars to heal over (accident was in the beginning of September).

I wish someone had suggested the Valium post-surgery, though! That would have been a BIG help, especially when the pain meds were doing so little![/QUOTE]

They never do :(. AND when you ask, they treat you like a junkie. Its ridiculous.

Oxycontin has been removed from the shelves in Canada (due to too many addicts) and cannot be prescribed by doctors any longer. Last year, my DD and her friend were riding bareback on DD’s mare when she spooked and took a side step. Both fell off and friend landed on frozen ground and broke her humerus at the shoulder! xrays (not well done the first time), etc. but she never needed surgery either. She was prescribed oxycontin at the time but could not take them. She was so surprised to have so many people tell her “they would take it” if she wanted to give them to her… she returned them to the pharmacy! People who you would have never thought would be in pain or anything (and they were not), but there is/was such trafficking with that drug…

Those special ads on COTH pages are a hoot.:lol:

Reading thru this broken arm thread, the ad on the top banner is this:

—“The Ultimate Arm Sling®
Cotton spandex arm slings - great comfort and a perfect fit.”—


YES! YES! YES! I forgot I got 2 of these slings and absolutely love them. You will be much more comfortable by taking the stress off of your shoulder and back. I got mine at the local Rite Aid, they come in khaki and black.

Just ordered one of the Ultimate slings yesterday. Won’t get it till Monday. looking forward to a great design. Thanks for the recommendation!

Of course I now have the fat hand since the swelling had to go somewhere.

Healing thoughts your way!
I also joined the broke arm club last week, coming off for the first time in 14yrs. Hard spook left, I went right, landing directly on left hand. Broke the Radius at the end, in a bunch of pieces requiring surgery and a plate. I’m always the one telling everybody to tuck and roll. Would have been good to follow my own advice. Lucky for me, I was able to ditch the sling within days!
Hope the new sling is working for you and that you heal fast and well!!!

New sling is comfy…the big problem (besides healing too slowly) is problem sleeping…I don’t sleep sitting up very well. Will see monday after the 3+ week after break how it’s healing.