Classical Lungeing Book

Can anyone recommend a book/DVD/podcast on the fundamentals of lungeing. I’m looking for a training manual that teaches the progression of steps, say, lungeing with cavesson to the introduction of bit, along with explaining the use of side reins for flexion and straightness. Someone mentioned Neindorff, so I’m just wondering if people feel like there’s a definitive work to read. Thanks!

A variety to consider, although I haven’t personally vetted the contents of all of them:

Hinrich’s Schooling Horses in Hand

Inderwick’s Lungeing the Horse and Rider

MacSwiney’s Training from the Ground: A Special Approach

Schuthof-Lesmeister & Mistral’s Horse Training in-Hand: A Modern Guide to Working from the Ground

Steiner’s The Art of Lungeing

I believe also that the FN has a very comprehensive book just on lungeing, which I’d also recommend picking up. I just don’t have a copy of it in my library yet!

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Wow. This is fantastic. Thanks for the list!

I’d also add the USPC Guide to Longeing and Ground Training. It’s clear, well-organized, and instructional. It’d be a quick read before you dive into some of the more theoretical texts.


Fantastic! I just downloaded from Apple Books. I haven’t read one of these since I was a kid. I recognized the cover art immediately.

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Glad to recommend the workshop books by Fritz Stahlecker (work-in-hand, longeing, etc.).
Also just came across this again, but in English:


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