I’m new here but I’ve been lurking for a bit This forum comes up when I google things often and I found it that way. I liked that this portion existed and it inspired me to join!
I’m a para-dressage rider and I’m still sorting out my classification. I have been riding for close to 15 years, mostly dressage, and owned several horses. I rode and showed lower levels without being classified before but some body changes and barn changes led me to being classified. I also realized I could not ever show at the level I want without classification as I absolutely require compensatory aids and without would not be successful. I was classified this past fall and only recently received my card. I ended up a grade II and this was a bit questionable given my balance and trunk instability. I cannot ride medium or lengthened trot without getting spasms in my legs from the movement those are from the movement alone, not from clamping on because I can’t physically clamp on with my legs. Anyway, I was thinking about appealing my grade based on being able physically able to ride the movements based on disability and not riding ability, and then I got my card and saw that I was given a “walking” profile and I am a full time wheelchair user. Now I’m not sure if there was an admin error or something but I was not classified correctly and my profile is entirely wrong.
Anyway I’m wondering if there are others out there who are classified and competing in para-dressage? What were your classification experiences like? Did anyone have to appeal?
I’m happy to answer any questions people have of me as well not sure what the culture or norm here is for newbies! I am looking forward to engaging with this community and getting to “know” all of you!