Classified section?

Where has the forum gone with the items you could sell or buy between users?
I understand there is a Marketplace section now, but the tab for Tack is nothing but ads. None of them actually selling tack.

I had the same thought yesterday. I went to look for some new tack and it’s gone… I assumed it was me and that I was too technologically challenged to locate it. Glad to hear I may not be that out of it…

Phased out in favor of the classified section in the magazine, I believe.

Hi there ~

Yes, we gradually phased out the Forums classifieds section which – though pretty effective for those who used it – didn’t receive much traffic. It did receive a lot of submissions without payment to have to wade through though!

We’re in the midst of our next phase of work on our website development right now. We’re also phasing out Chronicle of My Horse, and we’re going to be bringing the main site and the forums under a universal log-in system, which means one log-in gets you signed in everywhere.

We’re planning to then work on tweaking some of our forum offerings so, say, magazine subscribers/advertisers and forum premium members get some more goodies over here; we can automate credits for for premium forum users’ accounts, etc.

If you have input re: our online classifieds at, please feel free to write the main office and let them know what you’d like to see:

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