Classifieds/ Tack/Other scroll not working..

If you choose this category, on the bottom right of the page there’s an image that says 1 of 10<< or something to that effect. You click on the << and scroll through pages 1 through 5, but after that, the icon disappears and (presumably) the last 5 pages are unviewable.

I’m trying to peruse the Employment section and am only able to view miscellaneous ads for real estate, shipping companies, tack, etc.

Am I doing something wrong? This used to be the way to navigate through this area of the website…

Classifieds are not my area of expertise, so I sent a link to this thread to the classifieds manager. I’m not sure if she checks her work email over the weekend, but someone should be providing an answer soon.

Sorry for the trouble!
Mod 1

The bottom of the page menu is messed up and attached to one of the ads too, so looks like someone made a code error someplace with odd results.

OP, as a work-around you can get to the other pages by manually editing the URL in your browser’s address bar. If you look in the long string you’ll find a place where it says page=5. If you change that 5 to a 6 and press enter, you’ll get to page 6 and can continue from there.

Furlong… THANKYOU. See, if my brain still worked as it once did, I could’ve figured that out on my own. Thanks again. I’m sure that’ll do the trick.