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Cleaning Arena Walls

Wondering how everyone goes about doing a major clean on arena walls? A friend of mine just bought an older horse property - fixer upper- and we are wondering how to get the walls clean without drenching the footing/base? They are pretty dirty so a quick spray with a pressure washer likely won’t cut it. Thanks for any tips!

What is the wall surface made of?

Check with commercial washing business?
Here they clean agricultural barns and commercial business.
Their spray rigs pull behind a pickup and use heated water and will clean anything and fast.
Many stables here use them once a year or so and they get a barn spotless at a very reasonable price and no wet mess at all.


Pressure washer, scrub, pressure wash. Or just scrub, but that’s A LOT. Pressure washing uses minimal water so you can try and see how much gets on the footing.

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Well, despite not knowing the wall construction, here is my way of pressure washing walls, Does a great job but you will absolutely get wet. I have all of this gear and have used it for both my barn and house walls. It starts with a pressure washer of your choosing.

Next, buy a wall washing attachment (check on Amazon) and a pistol grip to replace the pressure washer wand. The pistol grip sprayer gives better control than the longer wand shown in the picture. Just water works fine, unless you feel compelled to use some sort of soap. Remember that pressure washer innards do not play well with bleach