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Cleaning Conditioners for saddles?

So I’m staunchly against using saddle soap on my saddle, because the glycerine clogs the pores and that’s that makes them shiny/seals in the moisture, and eventually makes them slick. I have an Antares now, and my old CWD still looked new and stayed grippy for years with just the “damp cloth wipe for dust and periodic oiling” method. But I know there are always developments in formulas/technology, and I was wondering if anyone has a favorite cleaning-type conditioner that does not have sealants/waxes/silicones in it that might be good to try?

Higher Standards Leather Care


There’s a whole thread on it over in Eventing :yes:


Thanks, bacon! I tend to avoid the forums for sports I don’t participate in (Other than the wooden crawfish/alligator at Sterling Silver Stables in Louisiana, I have NO desire to jump solid wooden objects!), but maybe I should give them a look occasionally for things like this!