Clippers/blades for fancy clip designs

I’ve got a heat sensitive fjord that does best with a full body clip in the summer and a modified blanket clip in the winter.

I have a pair of Listar Star clippers that many people here raved about and have done me well! If I wanted to try my hand at more intricate designs…what should I look into clipper wise and blade wise? The Stars are a bit chunky for any details.

I’d probably try my Wahl Moser clippers, but they may still be a little wide (~1.25") but the length is adjustable from 9 to 40. I used the 9 setting to touch up body clips a lot. They’re also cordless which frees up the angles you can hold them.

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When I clip designs in my pony I use my AGC2 clippers and use a 5/8th narrow blade.


Heininger opals, lightweight, brushless motor, exceptional battery life, Swiss made and not inexpensive but not that much more than andis.

I actually did a full body clip with a 10 blade after Thanksgiving with them. I know you can appreciate the amount of hair involved with a body clip on that date!

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I sure can :rofl:

I use 5/8 “Toe blade” as well, on my Andis AGC-2s. I just got the 5/8 blade last year and churned out a couple REALLY nice, basic shapes on my first attempts.

The other CRITICAL detail for me, though, was purchasing a package of sticker paper and using it to make stencils. I cut out my shape on the paper and I either stick the outline to the horse and clip inside it, or I stick the shape down and clip around it. Both worked great.

Freehand designs are HARD and even with a drawn-on outline, I could never get so much as a simple heart to come out right.


Good tip!

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Stencil for sure.

I do my fine designs with a Mini Arco. They aren’t perfect, but you get the hang of how to angle them to get into nooks and crannies of a design.

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Examples of designs with stencils and mini Arco.