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Cloning spin off - if you could/were forced to would you

I don’t think I’d clone a horse I’ve had but would definitely clone one of my departed dogs.

I would consider some sort of genetically engineered cloning experiment to make my 12 hand pony come out at least 13.2 or more.


Wow, that was an interesting listen. Thanks for sharing!

I would clone my first event horse in a hot minute. He was the most amazing horse ever, and would easily have been a 5* eventer under the right circumstances! I always wish I had his hair to cloe him…


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I so badly want to clone my dog. I’ve never had one like her. So so smart and so freaking adorable, I can’t go out in public with her bc I’m stopped every 10 feet bc people want to pet her. Lol.

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I had two, an OTTB mare and her son. Both very smart and athletic. The mare raced for 3 years, ages 2-4, I got her at 6 and she did everything - eventing, hunter, pleasure driving, CDE, and schooled upper level dressage movements. She also had 3 foals - one became a Holsteiner broodmare.

Her TB son would have played with upper level dressage and was incredibly smart. He would do anything for me. Unfortunately he was injured as a 3 year old and was never quite right behind after that. It was a mechanical limitation and he was still an excellent trail horse, but always had a hitch in his gaits.

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“60 Minutes” or “CBS Sunday Morning” did a wonderful segment on him.

I would definitely do it if I had the funds.

No because every article I’ve read about cloned horses or dogs have featured quotes from the owners that say that the clones didn’t look, act or perform like the “original”.

That being said, I have a handful of Secretariat’s mane (with roots) that his groom pulled out for me when I was 10 and visited him on a farm tour. I still joke that I’m going to clone him and have my own Secretariat! :laughing: