Stories are stories. Maybe it’s just the ‘tude…:lol:
To be fair, your posts on other forums here, make it clear that you don’t have racehorses and that you don’t breed them.
I don’t understand why people feel the need to be dishonest about their experience, in any particular aspect of the horse world. Anyone can participate in any forum, there’s no need for people to pretend to know more than they do. It is childish and dishonest to do so, and only makes them look foolish.
I participate in the racing forum because I am interested in racing, mostly the breeding aspect of it, and I have worked for TB (non racing) breeders in the past. I know a fair amount about breeding TBs and conformation, but not as much about breeding TBs to race. I have never galloped racehorses or worked at a track and I try not to give advice or pontificate about things I don’t know about.
Other than having watched them for years, I knew very little about the workings of the public auctions other than the information available on the auction websites which, though considerable, left me with questions. LaurieB has been kind enough to answer my questions and she was a good person to ask, since she attends and sells at the Keeneland sales.
There is a lot to be learned by asking questions, and from being corrected if you have a mistaken belief. We each know what our experience has taught us and we all have some knowledge to share. Why not learn instead of pretending to know?
Most people are using a screen name to begin with, not a real name. There are a handful of people who do use real names or have websites in the signature. I don’t think anyone cares how much actual experience a person has, as long as the poster is not constantly on a soapbox preaching how the industry needs to change, but refuses to actually get involved in any way beyond reading stuff online.
I don’t agree. I think that most people here deeply respect those who have actual provable experience in whatever area is being discussed- here, it’s racing. There are posters on here who have been around for awhile, and we know each other, at least in this venue. We know who to listen to, and who to skip over.
Soapboxes, of any kind, aren’t appreciated. Snarky comments from shady posters aren’t either. Actual fact based comments, respectfully presented,are always appreciated.
I think that about sums it up. :winkgrin:
Oh yes, absolutely no snarky posts! You did sum that up perfectly.
Whether only a screen name, or a name address and phone number accompanied by a life history, is provided by participants on these forums was not my point.
If a person chooses to be anonymous, or is comfortable sharing their personal information online, matters not.
What does matter is that people not be dishonest. Why the BS in the first place?
Most everyone that has a clue about the subject at hand can tell when someone is faking expertise or may just be mistaken.
It is easy to see the difference. When folks pontificate about a subject but do not respond to a simple question about their opinions , it becomes obvious that they don’t really want to discuss the subject and are just parroting terms that they have heard and really haven’t a clue what they are talking about.
If theirs was an opinion based on fact, there would be an answer about why they held that opinion. It is a basic tenet of an intelligent, civilized conversation.
It is silly just to babble incoherently and not answer questions from people with whom you are supposed to be interacting.
@snaffle1987 I really am, still, very interested in why you believe that the California Chrome yearlings you have seen will be good turf horses. I am puzzled by that statement of yours and would really like to know how you came to that conclusion.:yes:
If you go back to the Santa Anita deaths thread and a lot of misinformed people jumped on there. And a regular poster in this forum recently posted something about Lasix causing breakdowns due to compromised bone.
I came to this thread to find out more about the auction and the horses being auctioned. I didn’t come here to read 2 pages of bitching between several posters. If the ignore feature was still in effect, I’m afraid that the original intention of the thread (auction, various horses being offered, other information) would total less than one page. The rest of this mess–actually, who cares?
I think the only info is contained in the links on the first page.
FWIW, Closing Argument sold for $8000 and D’Wildcat for $2000.
Did any of them go in the danger range?
If you read the link, from the Whispering Oaks stock, there were five who received no bid and four who went for $500. Whispering Oaks bought back two of their weanlings and one of their mares. The stallions were all up over $1000.
I think it’s worth reminding the internet that those results do not necessarily mean anything. I would not jump to conclusions. The “cheap” horses all had different buyers, buyers who were also buying much more expensive horses at the sale.
THIS! So many of the racing threads lately are just bickering, seriously annoying
The same individual bought both stallions. Gerald Everett Jr.
Looks like the majority of the horses went to actual homes. Good. That’s all I was interested in finding out.
good news
Thanks- I was simply concerned for their welfare…
Good point, @Texarkana. Another important piece of information for those concerned about the $500 horses to realize is that current meat price on horses at low-end sales is around $0.25-0.47/pound, depending on the horse’s size and condition (example: True kill buyers aren’t paying $500/head for most of the horses they plan to ship. Now, the social media “kill pen rescue” dealers, on the other hand, will happily pay that and then sell - excuse me, “bail” - the horse for $700-900 to an unsuspecting do-gooder. :uhoh: